MTN Electronics: LEDs - Batteries - Lights - Chargers - Hosts - Drivers - Components - 1-Stop-US Source

Wow, did you have to be so hard on the guy. :bigsmile:

Should have done more shouting though…

Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it.

I really don’t like Mtn electronics. After discovering it, it’s already cost me a bunch of money.


Richard is the flashlight dealer and we are the flashlight addicts. We start getting that twitch and notice him standing on the corner. We approach him and he says “Pssshh, hey buddy, you want some flashlight parts? I’ve got the good sh*t.” He then opens up his trench coat revealing flashlights and parts dangling from the coat liner. You can’t help yourself because you need your lumen fix so you spend a little over $100.

Later at home after you got your fix, you start feeling that twitch again and you go looking for Richard to get your next fix. :smiley:

oooh… Where do you get that light?!


RMM! You must carry that!

$5? :expressionless: Nevermind.

How cool would it be if that was a 365nm UV light? To help “cure” us of what ails us, of course! :stuck_out_tongue:

With MTN Electronics printed on the side to be sure….

I had to buy some of those syringe key chain lights. Too funny, hopefully they can be modded. :evil:

Maybe Richard can have them personalized to say “Get Your Lumen Fix at” and give them out as swag on orders over $100 or something like that. :smiley:
Personalized Mini Syringe Flashlight Keychain

Instead of ml it should be lm.

I would put in a $100 order just for the free light lol

I see the update on your site, hope that means your having your baby and spending some quality time with the family. Congrats on the new baby, take your time man family comes first!

+1 :smiley:

NEW BABY!! :beer: :wink:

That’s what I figured. Congrats Richard!!! :party: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Pictures or it DIDN’T HAPPEN! :stuck_out_tongue:

The business seems to be doing well, no need to get a used one.

So if it comes out with a flashlight it’s a boy and no flashlight it’s a girl?

Clicky or reverse clicky.