Hahaha, I’m not organized, not at all, and I got some 8 compartmentalized boxes from Justin with all sorts of bits and pieces. One is dedicated to emitters, one is all driver components, copper rounds, copper sheet, MagLite parts, and a bin box with lenses, reflectors, o-rings and 2 full boxes of standard and metric o-rings as well. Epoxy, Arctic Silver, Thermal Paste, soldering equipment, a hot air/soldering station that got me hooked on hot air guns (and then it QUIT) Even a shop sink with legs for hot dipping to get a flame design or whatever, and 2 bench top drill presses as well as a portable band saw with different blades. Stuff on top of stuff on top of all my mess of stuff.
I should take inventory some day and get it all merged and organized. I’ve got DigiKey boxes holding driver parts, maybe 5 of em, and even Flat Rate post office boxes with bits and pieces. If I ever get my Mom’s clothes folding table cleared and freed she’ll probably swoon. Yep, I’ve semi-invaded the laundry room.
Seriously, when you get to the point that you yourself realize you’re adding Insane to Mad Scientist, it’s gotten bad…

See back in the right, the stacks of clear compartment boxes? Some of the stuff from Justin…
And Mom’s surger and sewing machine? Inaccessible. My bad, really meant to clear all of it up before surgery, then the day came that I had a Dr.s appointment and he said he was booked through October, but had a cancellation tomorrow, are you ready to do this? Boom! Suddenly I was plunged into months of recovery and well, my mess is still a mess.

Yeah, bet you thought I was exaggerating about the stuff on top of stuff, huh? Gotta get on top of this….