Thanks for pointing that out! Listing duplicate. Fixed. It’s hard to keep this stuff straight sometimes!
Solved issue.
I am going to have to recuse myself from counseling you on this one; seems there might be a conflict of interest!
The Evil Dr RMM and his Sinister Plan, create need in the addicted, such that they can never have enough, and then corner the market on their needs, Bwahahahahahaha.
I’ll be back Dr RMM and I’ll have friends, and together, we’ll wipe out your market and once and for all illuminate your evil scheme! J)
Edit: Sorry, been watching cartoons with the kiddo.
I thought maybe you had too much coffee!
As a good friend of mine says, “Calm down!”.I placed an order for some cells as well, and am tempted to order some LED’s also.RMM is doing a great service to us in the USA!Thanks Richard!I hope you continue to expand your inventory.I’m sure there are many on BLF that will help to deplete it for you!-Rick W
I was just thinking the other day that it would be awesome to be able to buy the noctigon and qlite stuff from a US seller. Long live the RMM.
Thanks! Order coming soon.
1. In the coming weeks, the XinTD V4 flashlight will be available at the store. Price will be $29.99 for the light and a nice holster.
2. I have set up a quick survey that asks a couple of questions about the store. If you complete the form your name will be entered into a random drawing for a $2 coupon to the store which is valid on purchases of $2 or more. Winner will be randomly chosen on 11/27/2013.
Click the link: Survey
Any word on the possibility of XP-E2 on noctigon?
Store looks great with the pics up btw.
Yep. They are already on the way.
Richard, you should put a link the store in your signature line, make it easy to go to the store when you tell of a new item in stock. (not that you aren’t already bookmarked anyway)
I have thought about doing this for some time but have avoided it because I didn’t want people to feel like I was just here to spam the forum with my stuff; I still love BLF for the community and all of the cool things I get to read and learn about (and attempt to replicate ). I still like to and plan to continue contributing to the forum like I always have; I don’t want people to think that I’m posting in their thread just to drum up business. Of course that would be a nice side effect, but that’s not the only reason I’m here.
Thanks to your posts I am probably going to reconsider my prior position.
You might, then, just add a link when you’re telling of new arrivals. That way it wouldn’t be present when you’re commenting in threads. That would avoid the suspicion when your’e here as one of us, and give us all the quick connection when you’re here Helping us!
I have you bookmarked anyway, so you’re always a click away from getting my money.
I don’t think you have much to worry about.Your post history speaks for itself.And I am thankful to have another supplier in the US.I wish you the best of luck with your new business.-Rick
OK, I made the signature as small as possible and hopefully unobtrusive.
I also found out that there is an advanced text editor... all this time I've been manually adding the code in all of my posts. Light bulb! :)
I don’t have any immediate projects, but in future if your line of parts grows to analog IOS/CNQG/LCK-LED you’d have a customer here. I would love not having to wait three weeks to mod a light. I know that reflecting their stock in drivers and parts isn’t likely to be a financially feasible option, but at the least I’m not buying LED’s from IOS anymore.
Having all the stuff you're stocking right here in the States, a few days away, is making me more addicted than ever! I want...all of it! So bear with me if you see orders from me every couple of days or so. I'll get it out of my system soon enough (wife's threatening to pull the plug on the internet)
I do need another triple with optics though, my Aunt's birthday is coming up and so is Christmas...make that 2 more of each. :) And a MT-G2 on Noctigon. And the XinTD V4, and, well you get the picture. ;)
Encourage your wife to buy something nice to even out the spending?
Android phone with internet as backup plan. :bigsmile:
Helios, are you kidding? One pair of shoes would buy me 2 hosts, multiple bare emitters, a small stock of Noctigon boards and some fresh Panny PD's!! ;)