I know I’ve been here before, but it’s been a while.
I was recently looking for a single cell 123 light and ran across the Solarforce L2M that has the single cell tube with an extension. My plan was to throw my old Surefire G3 emitter into it, and upgrade later. Since I was having to wait for Chinese shipping, I decided to buy 2, since they were cheap.
I ordered a 1000 lumen single mode off of Amazon, but I’ll have an extra tube still.
My question is if there is a multi mode emitter I could use that doesn’t have a strobw function?
II don’t really want it to be extremely bright, since it’ll mostly be a utility light. I’m thinking a 250 ish off of 2x123s or the equivalent rechargeable (I forget what that is, I’m very new to this) as well as a low and maybe medium.
I’m also curious if my Surefire G2 emitter could take a single or 2 rechargeable 123. I know that the voltage is higher on them, so I would like to know if the range of the P60 could handle that. It doesn’t have a range printed, but the markings say “P60L-WH” and either “87” or “L8”.
Instead of 2x123s or equivalent rechargeable (which are called 16340), I would recommend 1x 18650 (rechargeable li-ion). Do you current have any 16340s (123 rechargeable)?
2 batteries in series, like 2x123s or 2x 16340s can explode if they are not carefully matched. Same brand, capacity, voltage (plus age and cycles if rechargeable). Most flashlight “events” are caused by series batteries like 2x123s, 2x 16340s etc.
If the voltage range isn’t on it then It’s hard to know if it can take 2x123 / 6 volts. Where did you purchase it? Might be able to check the voltage range at the place you brought it if the still carry that P60 drop in.
Halo, the 18650 is what I had in mind when I said that. Thanks for clarifying. I do not have any rechargeables, so if I’m getting some, I might as well go for the right one. I may get a single 16340 for my single cell, but other than that, I’d rather just use the single 18650 for the dual cell lights.
Are the cheaper rechargeables and chargers worth the savings, or should I just go with the better brands?
The emitter was the Surefire standard that came in my G3. I know I said G2 in the OP, but it’s actually a 3. I bought it in about 2011, if I remember correctly. Maybe even 10.
Most drop ins that use 1 x 123 (3 volts) can also use 1 x 16340, 1 x 18350 or 1 x 18650 (all 4.2 volt li-ion) without a problem. Can’t say for sure, 100% if there is no voltage range on the label though.
The names of li-ions are really convenient, in that the numbers are the measurements.
16340 is 16mm diameter x 34mm long (same size as a 123).
18350 = 18mm dia x 35mm long.
18650 = 18mm dia x 65mm long.
Some 123 tubes are wide enough to also fit 18350 which provides a longer flashlight runtime.
Do you mean it has a single 123 cell tube plus an extension that attaches to (not replaces) the 123 tube for the purpose of taking an 18650? That would mean the 123 tube needs to be 18mm dia inside and might accept an 18350.
Do you have a link?
Oh, okay. So if the diameter is large enough, I can put the slightly wider 18350 in it. There’s a good bit of wiggle with a Surefire 123, so I’m thinking maybe they designed it to work with the larger batt.
The Solarforce is pretty much an old SF 6P that they shortened to single cell, and then added an extension to take a second cell, so you have the choice.
That’s the SF L2m body I was looking at / thinking it would be. It’s nice! Don’t have it myself but I am a fan of having the option to use 123 or 18650s. Compact when want it and option for longer runtimes when you need that.
Some cheap direct-from-china chargers and li-ions are just dangerous. Like burn your house down, kill your family, just straight up manufactured with zero regard for safety or life. Mtnelectronics.com carries all of the top batteries and safe, good chargers. You could go for the XTAR MC1 Plus Charger if you think charging one cell at a time would be enough for your amount of use. Auto adjust charging current, 0.5A for shorter cells like 16340, 18350, 1A for 18650s.
Or any of the multi slot chargers if you want to do more cells at one time. I’d skip the xtar MC2 though, at 0.5A max it would be a bit slow for 18650s.
I’d recommend any of the protected batteries. Samsung ICR18650-26F Protected 2600mAh for a low cost 18650 or the LG 18650MJ1 Protected 3500mAh for max capacity. XTAR 16340 Protected for the 16340.
I’m really impressed with the body’s, so far. I did have a small problem getting the Surefire P60 in, at first. The hole that goes between the head and the battery area is a little larger than it is on the G3,so the larger spring slipped through. I just slightly opened up the spring to make it sit on the shelf properly, and it works fine, so far. The two I ordered from eBay were $13 a piece with free shipping, so I may buy another pair to fool around with.
Thanks for all the links! I’ll definitely check them out and pick up some batteries. I’ll probably do fine with a single cell charger.
I’m thinking about designing/ 3D modeling a diffuser for my new hosts as well as a few other lights I have and having them 3D printed. Do you think people here would be interested in something like that? It seems like most diffusers just slip on kinda loosely, so I’d try to have them lock somehow.
Oh hey, I never actually answered your original question.
Yep, they do indeed have multi mode drop ins with no strobe. Lots of people dislike strobe and other blinky modes.
I don’t actually know where to get one for the best price though. But here is an example of a high > med > low Cree XM-L drop in. solarforceflashlight-sales.com
And a slightly brighter Cree XP-L H>M>L drop in solarforceflashlight-sales.com
There should be no-strobe multi mode drop ins on ebay too and other places.
Thanks for finding that! I got pretty tires of searching their weird site on my phone, so thank you very much for the link. I’ll look a little harder at their site on a PC.
Their site is really stupid how it’s laid out /… you have to open up sections on the left and then use drop down sections … really dumb . very odd
lots of people don’t like solarforce drop ins …
Yea, I swear they must lose a decent amount of sales due to their poorly designed site! I went looking for drop ins just now and couldn’t find any. Then I remembered / noticed their stupid drop down selector.
I was actually going to order the bodies directly from them, but it wouldn’t tell me where they were shipping from or how much it was so I went to eBay. Then, out of curiosity, I went through the whole order process, short of paying for them, just to see their shipping. They most definitely need a new site.