Multiple 10440?

Are there any 2,3, or 4x 10440 flashlights currently produced? I have not seen any and you guys seem to try about everything. If it doesn’t make sense to create one educate me as to why. Thanks.

17mm buck driver, 4x 10440, xhp 50, convoy m2 host. Talk me out of this before I waste my time and money lol

Don’t know why I said that would have to be a 26650 size tube.

You just answered your own question. The size of a multiple 10440 or 14500 light would be the same size or larger then an 18650 which will have MANY times the power.

The idea of a 4x 14500 version of the Q8 was tossed around but it would not make sense as with 14500’s it would be larger then a 26650 (the size of a 32650 actually) yet have a small fraction of the power.

Now a 4x AA light could work since it would be basically the same voltage as the lithium but even then you would be better off making it a 32650 light and then including a cell holder for AA’s that people can use if they want.

I’d go with an XHP35 myself.

Copy that. Texas ace when you say power are you just referring to capacity?

I am referring to stored energy, total amps, watts, Amp hours, watt hours, you name it. A 26650 or 32650 is better in every way then 10440’s by a very long margin. Even 4x 14500’s can’t match the larger cells, even in series where they have a voltage advantage they would still have the same or lower total max wattage as a good 26650 or 32650.

Basically a multiple 10440 or 14500 light makes no sense, better off using a larger cell with a cell carrier for AAA or AA.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.

Power in a cell is the combination of the milli-Amp-Hours stored and the voltage its stored at. A nimh AA cell has around 2500 mAhrs at 1.2V or 3000 milli-Watt hrs and a lithium ion 14500 has 700 mAhrs at 3.7V or 2590 mW hrs so they’re more similar in power capacity than in either voltage or amp hours.

Right right ok. The disconnect with me I guess was in thinking that a 4x10440 could deliver as much current as an 4x18650 just for a much shorter time.

You won’t be able to drive an XHP50 with a single cell with a buck driver though.

But with 4 10440s you could right?

Yes I would love a penlight with two 10440s and XHP 50. Four batteries in configuration like EA45S would be flat and concealable and power a XHP 70 or XHP 35. Don’t put them side by side.

a tiny 2x AAA penlight or standard 2x AA flashlight that is compatible to runs on 2x 10440 or 2x 14500 will get super hot within seconds, with capacity still lower comparing to a standard single 18650 type flashlight where it leads to impracticability for manufacturer to consider building something like that, like the BLF A6, its something that we love but not necessary everyone (especially non-flashaholic people) does.

Right. I carry an a6 with me everyday and rarely need anything past the med 2 setting. However, it’s difficult not to check things out in turbo for a few seconds because it puts a smile on my face. Thats all I’m thinking about here is a pocketable light that’s just ridiculous. Also would like to see a 10440 in a different role than steroid for 1xaaa lights.

10440’s suck, which is the largest reason for the lack of use like you are thinking. The best ones have ~300-350ma or so and am amp rating silly low levels (like a few amps at most).

Even 4 of them together would be 1200ma and a max amps of say 8-10A while taking up a lot more space then an 18650 which gives you 3400ma and 15A+.

On top of that if you use a single 10440 that limits the driver size to about 10mm, which is insanely small and means you will get very sub par components and features simply due to space constraints. A basic 3 mode driver would be doing very good.

The final nail in the coffin is heat, even AAA’s will easily overheat a penlight if it is setup to put out some reasonable power. Anymore will just add more heat and that is not good.

Using AAA’s and allowing the light to also use 10440’s is a much better idea, it makes the light have a FAR wider market. I mean even of the guys on BLF, I bet a hefty percentage don’t even own a 10440.

Alright that’s what I was needing to hear. 10A total is not enough to do what I was thinking.