…you sure have a way with words. This is a very friendly and accepting community full of people who work together as equals and build each other up. I know its hard to accurately convey emotion and tone in a text-only medium, but you’re not coming across in a very good way. But maybe its just me.
I’ve said enough, made enough noise. I apologize if I took you the wrong way.
Thank you, apology accepted. You honestly did take me the wrong way, or maybe I wrote it in a way that was hard to understand.
Yes, as did tarver; I “thought” there had been a picture or pictures of the JAX Z1 in the original thread. I cannot find it now. So either it has been removed or I am wrong in what I remember & it was never there.
I have no idea & it really doesn’t matter…
…… it just boils down to this seems to be just another deviation from the specs in this light by the seller/maker. The deviation list is long.
‘Cyberescudo’ had provided the seller exact specs for this light, extreme problems have arisen from deviation from these specs.
The deviation from the specs rests squarely on the seller, maker, or both
This deviation IS NOT the fault of ’Cyberescudo’. I myself have stated that in numerous threads and posts. Many others have stated the samething numerous times. I have PM’d ’Cyberescudo’ earlier in the week with the same message.
My heart actually goes out to ‘Cyberescudo’ that this has turned into such a debacle due to no fault of his/hers.
I guess, to be honest; it just kinda jumped all over me when someone suggested I was saying anything different. My bad….
And no sir, I don’t like rude behavior at all.
But, I can get just as rude as need be if a situation calls for it. That’s just a fault I have.
My intention is not to stir the pot here but this topic has grabbed hold of my curiosity. My question is this, how were the specs for the build delivered to the manufacturer? Was it simply a list stating I want this that and the other thing so make it happen? Or did they receive drawings or cad files with all the specs and tolerances as well as what parts that need to be sourced elsewhere are to be used? I’m thinking that option A was the downfall here.
My point is this. For one to expect a product to me made to a high quality from day one with no hiccups along the way a lot of things have to happen and happen in the proper way. It pains me to admit that even here in the states we don’t always get it right the first time.
IMHO the fault with this project more or less offsets with all those involved. Take into account as others have said language barriers, unproven designs, maybe manufacturing (I’m sorry but if programmed correctly CNC machines don’t make mistakes.), and yes you, the consumer, for having unrealistic expectations about something that is completely unproven. I’m sure future versions of this light will be great if people stay calm and let everything get sorted out.
Perhaps for the next special edition have some of the machinists and engineers that are available to you on this forum and I’m sure the others as well do some R&D and make a prototype that we can all be confident will work before handing the process off to the Chinese.
Rant over. Again my intention is not to insult anyone in any way. Just an opinion from a (maybe) more knowledgeable source when it comes to machining/manufacturing. It’s my job…
Hah, it got to feeling a bit like one for a minute there. Stuff like this gets to me.
This is why the lights from the big companies cost more. They pay people to do exactly these things, as well as advertising etc… If we want a truly good light for a budget price all the resources in the community need to come together and create a reliable prototype. From there accurate drawings could be made and even CNC programs written. Without upfront money a lot of this may prove to be difficult as most only have so much free time to spare.
I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it needs to be done right. Otherwise the next project will meet the same fate. (Here’s lookin at you Q8, do it right)
I can’t help but be reminded of a sign that hangs in a sheet metal shop a few towns over.
I understand what you are saying as well as where you are coming from also… as I am not totally unfamiliar with what you are speaking of. And I definitely do not disagree with anything you say.
But the way this “project” was explained to me, as well as what I have understood from the beginning… there should have been no machining necessary besides what was stock for who ever makes the specified host light, the JAX Z1…. a proven host.
It should have just been a matter of assembling the specified parts into a proven host light.
And from what I also have been told and understand at least one prototype was delivered. The deviation from prototype came in the production phase.
If this has been explained to me incorrectly, I apologize in advance. But this is how I have understood it.
And I stress to any & all who read this… ……… This is what was explained to me and what I understood from the start. IF, it was explained wrong to me or I misunderstood from the start… my bad.
We Q-team are going the route where we leave the prototype building to the manufacturer
We do have however clear quality control specs and have made that clear to the manufacturer.
Also we will remain patience and not rush actual sale of the lights untill we are satisfied with the prototypes/samples.
And we try to be as open as possible about all aspect of it and invite everybody to give advice, point to things we have missed or provide tips, it is all greatly appreciated and helpful.
You could say we choose option 2 IF YOU WANT IT GOOD AND CHEAP IT WONT BE FAST
it’s very interesting that as soon as we bring up the missing specs from the OP, specifically, that the light was supposed to be made by Jaxman, and was supposed to actually be a Jaxman, which it is not, THEN… Kronos quickly steps in and basically tries to shut us up. Does anyone know where this is leading ???
…. we were also supposed to get noctigon stars, but we get KRONOS stars. So , obviously the light is made by MANKER, and not Jaxman, as we were promised, and cyberescudeo was working with Kronos the whole time, OR IS ACTUALLY KRONOS, HIMSELF !!!
there’s a little gang of people with multiple accounts who will use the multiple accounts to gang up on people and try to shut them up. kronos and many of his friends. hello george… george has something to say now….
george is speechless for the first time ever
Hmm people starting to cross lines. Not cool so I repeat what I said in other topic.
Refrain from personal attacks, refrain from posting unless you have
A found a new issue
B found a new solution
C receive word from organisers or seller with solution or denial of solution
PLEASE step back relax and wait for info and just be nice! This is BLF OK?
teacher, if i were you, i would file paypal and stop wasting your time on this issue.
banggood should warn their customers, and stop selling the bomb,
but they won’t and there’s nothing we can do.
you have done all you can.
everybody posting against you is a group of banggood shills.
you’re just banging your head on a wall.
send your email by PM if you want to know more.
And I have a few questions
i am starting to wonder about sharpie.
is sharpie really the cat eyes, or cat eyes evil twin ??
is cyberescudeo really kronological ?
is comfychair really chloe ??
there’s too many suspicous posts and ulterior motives in these group buys.
too much manipulation of people opinions, and too much hype.
i’m calling BS on all the group buy people. i wasn’t born yesterday.
and why is George calling me a troll trainer ??
George is a horrendous troll.