The little gang? There is collaboration here, and there are groups of people that work together on projects. Perhaps you are upset due to not being included... This is BLF, start a thread with your project and people will come work with you. I am not seeing where Kronological is actually Kronos, and Cyberescudeo is related to this...
Tarver, you have got to contribute more than innuendo and negativity to this situation to be taken seriously, get over your conspiracy version of this. The collusion here was not with anyone at BLF, or even Banggood, but for the dollar itself during production at the manufacturer. I suppose you just run a business willy-nilly and would not attempt to maximize profits? I agree that they went too far and produced something potentially dangerous here, so I am not making an excuse, just trying to get you to see that this process occurred for a reason. The reason is not as nefarious as you seem to think it is and will be adjusted by the market not buying the product... The manufacturer has far more than words invested in this GB, so it is up to them to fix this or lose their money.
@Teacher- I PM'd you at the start of this to make you aware of Hank and Sharpie doing what they do, they have done it before and will do it again. I respect them as I do you here, but in this case you have swung to the other side. I would expect by the nature of the communication type (Private Message) that it would stay private, but it seems you are about to, or need bolstering by words spoken previously. I have sent you my opinion, and that is subject to change due to your action/inaction. In this case, I feel you have gone too far and bringing up PM's supporting you is ridiculous.
The only way to prove support from others is to expose what is written and by whom, otherwise this is an empty sack for support... I am not going to have what I wrote at the start of this be bolstering you after all of the other issues and responses you have made. You sounded very aggressive in response to Kronological. I get I may be wrong and that was not your intent, but how do you not see this? What we spoke of in the PM's was a mutual dislike for passive aggressive behavior and bullies, be they intellectual or otherwise. Step back and see what your messages have been doing, intentionally or otherwise, you have been shutting people up by writing them over (hard to say yelling them down with only words). Is this your intent? If so than you have become what you did not want to become. If it was not your intent, then assess what your message has become. Either way, you are the only one that can adjust this. My words have no actual influence, only your interpretation of them. Respectfully to both Tarver and Teacher, I post this.....
Yes you did PM me about the subject you mentioned. And I have kept that completely private and made no reference to it. I would have expected that you would have done the same. I have “swung” nowhere. I fail to see how I have “gone to far”, but I’d be glad to hear your rational. I also don’t need to be supported by PM’s & quite frankly am at a loss as to what you are referring to.
I can only assume you are referring to my reply to George back in post 115, quoted below.
I honestly fail to understand how that simple, innocuous statement of fact to George, concerning something he had said about me; violated anything you PM’d me about ReManG.
And as far as “proving” support of others??? You got all that from that one sentence above? I honestly do not care if I have the support of anyone and implying that I did, from that simple sentence; was surely not my intent.
You also mentioned I sounded “very aggressive” in this exchange:
Yet somehow you seem to feel that it is Ok for Kronological to imply what he seemed to and me not question it? Yes sir, I was pissed that he would even seem to imply what he did, when all I have done is support ‘Cyberescudo’ totally, multiple times.
But somehow I am the “very aggressive one” in this exchange when all I did was straight forwardly call him on what he had said??
So be it then.
Oh yeah, I’ll be the first to say that a few of the things I have said to a couple of people have been totally by design, but that has been the very rare exception………………
I’ll honestly consider what you have asked me to. I hope you will honestly consider the things I have asked you also.
To me it seems there may be a double standard here. It appears it is fine and acceptable for some members to be snide, condescending, aggressive, mean spirited, etc., etc. to others but when someone gives it back to them the same standards do not apply. Maybe it is just me?? But I see a double standard for a select few…
And since you have already mentioned hank and Sharpie, let’s just carry this a step further. Last week both of them were giving bella-headlight a terrible time on multiple occasions. It seemed very overly aggressive to me. Finally I had read enough and had something to say about it. Well George jumped in, in their defense; accusing me of being a self appointed protector, etc., etc… OK… fine.
Yet today George does the same thing and appoints himself the protector of Kronological & emarkd, [which I am sure they did not need] and then he quotes & quotes inserting his admonishments along the way.
Yet, he [keengeorge] never did go ahead and quote post #107 in this very thread, where emarkd and I came to a harmonious conclusion… or at least I felt like we did.
So George, was that just an oversight on your part or were you just trying to stir the pot?
It is almost like “the pot calling the kettle black” George. Projection, would be another good word.
And no doubt, I am not perfect by a long shot…… but I am serious when I say I feel a double standard here concerning a select few. If anyone else feels this, I honestly hope they will come forward with their observations.
Then maybe we might get something going toward a resolution, should one be needed that is.
Is there an O-ring, or supposed to be one, between the inside of the lens and the body of the light? Mine doesn’t have one. I can’t imagine the metal just screwing down onto the glass lens? Is that ok, as long as you don’t crank it?
The O-Ring goes in a ‘track’ in the front inside of the Bezel. Then the lens goes in. The Zoom Ring then screws into the Bezel. It looks like to me the Zoom ring kinda surrounds the lens when it is screwed back into the Bezel.
If you have your lens out check and see how it fits on / in the Zoom ring.
PS / To be honest, I think if it is lined up correctly, you can “crank” it till it stops.
Or maybe I better say it this way.
I have had one of mine apart about a dozen times for various reasons or no reason at all, just to look at it. And each time I tighten it till it stops…. and while I am not SuperMan, I’m not ‘Caesar Milk Toast’ either.
Following what KB1428 pointed out, I worked on mine more last night. The brass pill top is a bit raised in the middle, so I sanded it down - got it pretty flat with 400 grit, then went to 600 then 800 to smooth it out. Checked with the end of a small metal ruler that I've used before to check for flatness, and definite improvement. It's clear the stock Cometa star is smaller than a 20 mm Noctigon, and a true Noctigon fits about perfect in the pill top, so I went with a XP-L HI V3 2B I bought from MtnE way back, on a 20 mm Noctigon, solder pasted the star and LED combined, and torched the pill from below to set everything.
Kept the stock driver/firmware, and replaced the LED wires w/22 AWG short length wires, bypassed the driver spring w/22 AWG. The tail spring has already been bypassed.
End result was a bump in lumens and throw, expected of course, but also holds the output better even in the first 30 secs. Funny though the max amps went down from 5.7A to 5.35A or so -- think it's the V3 2B replacement with a higher Vf. I don't think I'd reflow like this again - the pill and star take a long time to cool down, and seems like the LED is exposed to a fairly long period of high temps. If I were to do it again, I'd reflow the star first with the torch, then hot air reflow the LED -- hope I didn't do any damage to the LED.
The throw went to about 164 kcd, measured at 5m. Not much gain, but the tint still looks great.
Ohh, also mentioned by someone (think unknown00101 ?), the Cometa lens is a different AR coating color than my Z1. Who knows where/when this was changed, but interesting anyways... The original was clearly a green tint. It's hard to compare because my Z1 does ~216 kcd, but has a de-domed U4 1C (always better than any XP-L HI), and uses the stock buck driver w/2 cells, resistor modded to boost amps.
So referring to certain members as “drama queens, wussies and cissies” is not “seeking out confrontation”? Just curious because I have yet to see Sharpie called out by name such as others were in a previous thread. I have no problem with moderation or even reprimands here keengeorge, however, you seemingly showed your bias when you mentioned three people in particular by name (teach, bella-headlight and me) as essentially your reason for locking that thread, while failing to mention the “VERY friendly, accepting and supportive words of Sharpie quoted above. Furthermore, the three people you called out, just coincidentally of course, were the three people who voiced their discontent with the BG customer service or lack thereof.
I’d just like to point out that an individual user, even the OP, does not have the ability to lock/delete a thread. Only our gracious admin has that power. So if a thread disappears, it’s usually a hint that a rule was broken and the subject needs to be dropped, or approached in a different way.
Note: when you put words in quotes and attribute them to someone,
and Google search can’t find the words searching the site,
you’re stirring the pot needlessly.
If what you think you remember reading isn’t here, it’s gone.
I had seen THIS
But somehow I had totally missed THIS
Which makes what was written HERE extremely interesting.
I have no problem with moderation either. The Forums I have been involved with for numerous years have had it. [Benchmade Forum, Blade Forums, CPF, to name a few … along with several hunting & fishing forums & a couple of Diesel Truck forums] It was clear cut and unbiased moderation with clearly defined penalties for infractions. And yes, I was dinged a couple of times. But that is about as far as it went, never close to being “ejected”.
Enough said……… I have found the majority of people here on BLF to be very friendly & supportive… willing to help people in any way they can. Which is how it should be across the board……….
First of all, I never called you out specifically, but you and tarver have no problem doing that. Fine. The fact is that you have stirred up quite a few people…IMHO…unnecessarily…with spectacular stories of people being blown up if they don’t listen to your constant rants. All this childish BOOM BOOM BANG BANG garbage. You have, IMHO, an over-developed sense of justice that seems to dictate that you force your opinion on everyone else. IOW…you are over-doing it. Nevertheless, since you called me out and you cannot let this go, this is what YOU said in response to tarver, the apparent resident conspiracy theorist. Consider this my acceptance to your “challenge” (I can’t believe I’m doing this) to what you described as “BS”:
You do understand the Cyberescudo has sole control over the OP…don’t you? Do you understand that this means that Cyberescudo is the one that edits it…correct? That is why I said…“implying that the Cometa organizers (originators of the OP) are intentionally deceiving members is very unfair. It seems to be an intentional effort to pour gasoline on a fire”. That is a very clear implication that the OP/+Cyberescudo, the organizer of the Cometa+, is deleting/editing info in the OP to cover something up!
Again,I can’t believe I am wasting my time typing this out, but I feel for the organizers, who you and tarver UNFAIRLY MALIGNED through implication.
I have had absolutely no part in this GB (that I remember…I get A LOT of PMS…lol), but I have run several GBs, and will run several more. This kind of drama/crap always happens…regardless of the situation. Hyping it does not help! It only gets people riled-up, and then comes the absurd accusations, like tarver’s, when he compared me to heading a “gang” of meanies, and that I was really Cyberescudo. :person_facepalming: Bizarre. Laughable BS that has no basis in truth, and absolutely ZERO evidence. Don’t believe me? Ask Sully, the owner of the forum, if our ISPs match. Go for it. You will be embarrassed (if that is possible) that you aligned yourself with people that make such crazy accusations.
You don’t know all the facts. Logic and advice seems to mean nothing to you….but I’ll try again. GET OFF THE GAS! PULL UP! Heck…I’ll even give you a smiley face since you seem so fond of them.