My favorite Lights, health & BLF.

After a decade with the community here on BLF, its been a great 10+ years. Many know I have had to deal with health issues over the last few years, a big move across the country, and financial strain due to a hernia, broken wrist, and a looming Leukemia diagnosis. (still undergoing tests & treatment)
Below are the six favorite lights that always remind me of the good times here on BLF. - from left to right: - The original BLF LT1 prototype, ( based from a Skyray King, Nanjiq-105C driver, and TP5100 charging module. next is the production BLF LT1. After a couple years working with the great team here on BLF, we made the LT1 a reality. Next is the LT1-Mini. Still using the same amazing Andruil LT1-Specific software developed by fellow member ToyKeeper, but in a smaller, more compact single 21700 design with the same tint & modes as the full size LT1. Next the right of the Mini, is a beautiful work of art from one of BLF’s great past members, Old Lumens. next is the
Steam-pipe-light" the entry in the first Old Lumens custom build Contest, (That won me that triple-MTG2 light he built) And also the same custom light as in my icon/avatar image) - and last, is the
Apocalypse Lantern, tht has a built in Li-Ion flashlight,that has its 18650 charged by the multi-fuel coustom lanternits attached to. The lantern can run on gasoline, diesel, kerosene, propane, butane, Alcohol, paint-thinner, naptha, camp-fuel, and even be powered by the 18650 flashlight its built around. ( this was the entry for the second Old Lumens contest. - I i have not added these to my will & testament yet, but i will likely leave them to someone here on BLF likely. I did build an exact replica second Steam-pipe-Light some years ago, as far as i know it went to Dale, (but i no longer know where that one has gone sadly. I have a lot of good memories here on BLF. But as i mentioned in my last post, i am dealing with a failing health, and extreme costs that has been difficult to keep up with. - Dennis

16 Thanks

It’s a shame I didn’t meet you sooner… but this the life.
I hope for you the best! Thank you for sharing your good memories

2 Thanks

Wooow, these are very extraordinary lights.

But what has happened here?

I hope no victims at that accident.

PS: avatar revealed :innocent:

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:beer: :sunglasses:

1 Thank

Nice walk down memory lane. Thanks.
I wish you the best with your health… truly.
Particularly the Leukemia. Hopefully it is something else that they can fix. Then you can be back stronger than ever!
Unfortunately they have no money back guarantees.

Good Luck !!

1 Thank

Wishing you the best of health :heart:, and glad that you found so much meaning here.

Those lights are incredibly cool :heart_eyes:

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The Aspheric lens of the Steam-Pipe light broke the edge off, ( but i have about 7 replacement lenses for it, and just replaced it. (The original cracked when i added a new 18650 cell, and over-tightened the head) it has a new lens now, and back it service as a light i still use for camping and arounf the home.

Many remember when i managed to find a LED efficient enough, to “glow” continously for 6+ years on a pair of Alkaline AA cells, using a Resistor of 100K, to keep the LED glowing to this day on that same two AA batteries. ( while those two cells are now down to 1.16 average volts) I will swap then out soon for two Lithium AA cells, which with likely keep the tiny blue glow past my lifetime. its still glowing. and will likely glow long after i an gone. i don’t know who i will pass this light onto yet, but will likely send it to SB, the one and only who created our great community where we became a family of common flashlight interest.

SteamPipeLiight-glow tube 2

2 Thanks

Thank you for sharing, these are all amazing lights, glad you made the move and hope all is well health wise!