I have received my Warsun CT9T and am not sure if there is something wrong but I expected it to be brighter and more wow effect. Even so I am happy with it. I have no idea about flashlights, but have made some tests so may be you can help me:
Battery is a new Pana NCR18650PF. Switching on the CT9T at High Mode (fully charged; 4,10v) it lasts 114min (1.9h) until voltage alarm starts (blue led flashing; 3,10v). After that, switch off and take out the battery for charging and it takes 2714 mA (2,714 A). So average power consumption has been 1,4 A (2,7A/1,9h) at High Mode. Isn´t it to low for this mode? Does it mean it is underdriven?
What voltage is the NCR18650PF at when you take it out?
Be aware that even though some chargers report mA during charging this is not accurate. The charging process is not 100% efficient, some power is lost. Only a discharge test gives accurate mA.
Assuming there isn't that much difference in efficiency, and that the Warsun really has a 2-hour runtime, the (8-chip)C8 should be about twice as bright... on average.
They might be about the same at start-up with a freshly charged cell. This review shows a very downward curve for the Warsun, but with a weaker cell. It also shows less runtime and looks like it would match almost 2 hours with a proper cell.
I'm only guessing here because I have never even seen the Warsun light and so I've not made any measurements either.
Sorry, what I meant to say was that in the beginning, the two will have a similar output, but the Warsun’s output will drop rapidly because it’s not really regulated as opposed to the linear driver in the C8.
OK, it makes sense now. They're probably quite close with fresh good batteries. I just noticed the topic starter mentioned 4.1 volts as initial voltage and that might make a difference.
If we compare these two lights, it's less about initial brightness in stock config. The C8 has much more appeal IMO. Not just because I like linear regulation at these power levels, but because I also prefer keeping things simple. It's a matter of opinion about all these charge ports, e-switches, turbo modes etc. I don't really need them, not even the turbo timer in a basic light that pulls one or three amps and is large enough to do that for hours thermal-wise.