I like flash lights. I’m not a flash-alcoholic. i don’t want a flash light with 20 xml t6’s powered by 12 26650’s or a fusion reactor to light up the far reaches of the known galaxy. (that would be so cool)
I’m a reasonable guy who wants a flash light when it’s needed, in an emergency, to take a walk at night, to find stuff when no other light is available. (i do like to see beam shots though)
I don’t think i need 10 different kinds of battery’s with 6 different chargers hoping that the battery’s are charged when i need them and figuring out which battery goes into which flash light. I don’t want to worry about the battery’s exploding or setting the house on fire when they’re charging, or whether they have right charge if the lite takes more than 1 battery. (i’m in this camp now)
All that being said, and after looking at the current flash light products coming on the market, me thinks for 2013 my plans for flash lights are as follows: (unless something newer makes my current line of thought stupid)
AA’s - I like the multiple aa format. Simple, battery’s readily available, rechargeable battery’s work in them, reasonable size, ample power for normal tasks. No worries on multiple battery charge levels.
AA’s/26650 - This has potential. The “KISS” principle applies here. Minimise the type of battery’s, maximise the function. Versatility is the key. Only 1 li ion to worry about.
NiMh battery powered flash lights - in general, i think this my direction for 2013 (with the exception of the 26650 li ion) I think i’ll start with the Aurora 3aaa/26650, the Nicore 3aaa, C88, if these choices work, get a few Fenix, maybe an Olight, get some rechargeable NiMh for the xmas maglite purchases. I may dabble in some cr123’s, but not the rechargeable.
So what do u think? Is this old geezer loosin’ it or just hittin’ the single malt to often.