My folding knives

Must be someone who qualifies with:

- not nosy and very relaxed customs.

- the knives are legal in his country.

- For me preferably within "registered" EU

- Want's the other six 962 from the dozen.

I self disqualify myself in the first two points.

That knife would be probably illegal in my country but no1 would probably care (customs excluded).

So was there ever a knife with SRM 962 or SanRenMu 960 on the blade or was it always LAND?

As far as I know it was always labelled as "LAND". My Chinese is very limited and poor, but I think the three San Ren Mu Chinese symbols, when put it together in just one symbol, it means "Land", that's why they use this name.

It should always have been Land. The 962 I had owned had Land on the blade.

My SRM 905 is also a LAND.

Oh ok - Thanks guys.

Oh just a brief note, I asked a Chinese friend of mine and I was told that San Ren Mu symbols doesn't have anything to do with LAND word so my fault :(

SRM Knife Sanrenmu Knives Story