My new workcenter

I got bored and decided to make this. Wired to test drivers and LED’s for function. Used ceramic tile for the soldering area. Even incorporated a flashlight for lighting seeing how this workcenter is meant to make flashlights. Whatcha think?


I don’t know about amazing, but it’s functional

…probably amazing compared to a lot of work stations out there . I have a simple cluttered desk.

Very neat and tidy, plenty of helping hands. :cowboy_hat_face:

I purchased the coolant hoses and crocodile clips but haven’t done anything with them yet as I then saw a jewellers vice which clamps in a swivel vice so I use them now.

Let me know when your dropping in to sort my mess out? I’ll put the kettle on.
Looks like a real nice setup. :smiley:

Great contraption, looks very functional indeed. :slight_smile:

Could you please upload a video showing those little purple robots modding a whole series of flashlights all by themselves?

If only they could do that