I want a budget thrower that has a stupid long throw. And it must be built or bought for some reasonable sum of money (the cheaper, the better). I am thinking about a Courui big head modded with a 86mm KD reflector like Linus and FmC did. I really like that mod.
What would be the best emitter? A dedomed xp-g2 driven at 5amps or a dedomed xm-l2 driven at 7 or so amps?
What would do the job better?
Or is there some other flashlight that should come into consideration? Some other 600+ kcd budget light, either reflector or aspheric based? Thanks for help!
you should also consider the uf-1504 or 1405. Maybe not quite 600kcd, but much cheaper. $40 vs$70 (because that KD reflector is almost $20 by itself)
Thanks for a suggestion, but I want something “throwier” than a 1405. I dont care whether it costs 40$ or 70$. Or slightly more. If there is a considerably better thrower than a 1405 that does not cost me an arm and a leg, I want it. I would rather pay more for something more powerful than trying to save and end up with something mediocre. I want the best (within some budget :D), not just something fairly good. I can not say I have ” no expenses spared” attitude, but 600+ kcd is going to cost a bit, thats a plain fact.
I strongly prefer a LED flashlight. HID torches have more disadvantages than advantages for me.
So is there something more powerful than a Courui big head with a 86mm KD reflector at a good price? If not, my next question is, what is a better emitter choice- an overdriven xm-l2 or xp-g2?
Show us where the 7 amp XM-L2’s are hiding! :party:
Are there actually no xm-l2 leds running at 7 amps??? Then I am sorry, because I am just a noob, and I really thought there were xm-l2s driven at 7amps when I saw the graphs :_( It is all based on these images -
Since those measurements were taken, there was some (undocumented?) changes to the manufacturing process, & the more recent XM-L2’s have a higher vF, & will burn out the bond wires prior to hitting 7 Amps.
I thought that was a problem of the newest tints only, but it is apparently a far more complex issue. So what would be the best emitter-driver choice for my thrower project?
If you are set on the D01, you will have to convert the batteries to serial, & use a buck driver.
The new XP-G2 bins sound promising, but I don’t think anyone’s crash tested one yet.
I have some XM-L2 U4’s inbound, but by the sounds of it, they are not much different than the earlier bins.
How about using a BLF DD driver? That should work even on 1s ( 3x 18650 wired in a parallel) as long as it is paired with 1 xp-g2 or xm-l2, am I right?
That’s what I am using now in my D01 (along with most of my other lights).
If you want to start pushing the higher amps, you’ll need a buck driver.
You could always run 6*18350 in the D01. I think Dale has done that, but he needed to make some extra room in the tail for the additional length.
Currently, XP-L might be your best bet.
OK, so a BLF DD driver can run one xm-l2 or xp-g2 on 1s voltage right? I will probably stick with this driver. It would be quite pointless to use a 7 or 8 amp driver, rewire cells into a series and then smoke all xm-l2s.
The next question is the emitter. What would be a better choice with this driver? I have red a few threads about wiring cells in a Corui in a series in, but it takes more time than I am willing to put into this light (I dont have much time…).
BTW, I have 3 xm-l2 U2 1A leds I bought last summer and never used, are they “old” enough to handle 7amps or not?
You could always run 6*18350 - (2S3P) & buck driver. It’s not too much work to shim up the rear contact plate.
As for your U2 1A’s, there is only one way to find out; Set up a torture test bench & measure one :evil:
TN31 + dedomed XP-L + driver mod (+springs mod) for 5-6A
Crank it on and enjoy 8)
I agree. If you are willing to spend a few more $$ go with this light and save the hassle of mucking around with the D01
You guys are correct; By the time you have bought all of the ‘go fast’ parts for the D01, you are almost approaching the $$ for a high-end light.
But still, you will have to do some (relatively minor) mods, & you are still at least 100k short of the OP’s goal.
Picking up a 2nd hand K50 & putting in a de-domed XP-G2 would get him there.
If he’s light on time, it’s probably the way to go.
If he only want’s to spend ~$80, then he will have to make the time to get all the parts & mod the D01, or another light with a large reflector installed.
Now I am really confused.
Lets say I have worked hard and now want to play hard and I have a certain amount of money I have no use for and I want a thrower. The goal is 600+ kcd. What should I do? The price difference is negligible. The budget is limited to 100$ or so. What will be the safest and the most throwing option? I really dont like tinkering and modding high end stuff, mistakes and errors can be pretty expensive.
Would a KD reflector with a dedomed overdriven xp-l or xm-l2 be the best choice? Or a KD reflector with a dedomed overdriven xp-g2? Or some stock light like tn31 or K40 with minor mods???
Buy a TK61, get someone from here help you to mod it to 600kcd.
Or a even easier route (but more expensive IMO), buy the TK61vn from Vinh.
OR, if you really have some serious cash, go with the DEFT-X to get 900kcd+, once and for all.
Mission accomplished.
Other lights which have the potential to hit 600kcd:
Wolf-Eyes SEAL
EagTac M25C2 Turbo head (uses exactly the same 86mm KD reflector?)
Forget the TN31/K40 if you are set on 600+ kcd. The reflector simply is not large enough, which is why I suggested the K50. Swap in a de-domed XP-G2 on copper, & that should be it.
There may be another large reflector candidate other than the K50 as well.
The D01 mod is a _lot_ of work. Plenty of stuff to go wrong if you mess up. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, then go with the easier option.