My Top Four 14500 Flashlights! Olight Diffuse, Wurkkos TS10, Acebeam Pokelit AA, Convoy T3

Since you already have at least one Weltool, you should check out the T1. It’s an amazing little light, blew my old Surefire E2D out of the water. Certainly punches above its weight class. Only thing it’s missing is a moonlight mode… which is most useful to me.

Cost is about $50 so it’s not out of reach for most people.

The “little duke” is being discontinued from what I recall, replaced by a “Tac” model… likely a high first/only version.

The little duke is Medium, High, Low.
Very little perceived difference between medium and high, and low is still quite powerful. If you need a pocket rocket, it’s a go to.

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I have way too many throwy lights already :joy: but yeah I’ll check it out. I have the T2 somewhere. The TAC versions are better in my opinion, instant access to turbo.

Thank you for finding that info for us!

So yeah, I get it. I looked it up after posting. I see added features available, but all hidden by multiple press patterns.
Advantages and disadvantages there. But nothing that makes the light any more difficult for an inexperienced user to be able to use the light. It still holds that Andruil 2 in the simple mode is not difficult for anyone to use.

It is a shame that so many perpetuate the myth that it is difficult to use. It “simply” is not. :smiling_imp:

All officially supported factory builds ship in simple UI by default.


Yes, the extended simple UI. I’ve been of the opinion lately that it was a mistake, and should be removed from factory builds… even the ones where the manufacturer requested it.

Every once in a while, there’s an odd case where someone wants simple mode to have only ramp and strobe and nothing else, or who wants it to be long-press-on/off and click-to-change-brightness, but those cases seem to be rare (at least, among people who care enough to make an account and chat online about flashlights).

Instead of extended simple UI, I’ve been tempted to just include a bunch of different interfaces the user can select from. Like, take the top half-dozen most popular interfaces, and let the user pick whichever they like. There seems to be enough room to fit a few, on virtually any light with at least 16K of ROM.

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