My Top Four 14500 Flashlights! Olight Diffuse, Wurkkos TS10, Acebeam Pokelit AA, Convoy T3

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Nice review, I would have included the TAC AA as well. In your review the T3 wins IMHO.

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I’ll get that TAC AA at some stage. That T3 is excellent value but would’ve been better with a 3A driver.

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Perpetuating the Myth that Andruil 2 is not for beginners. In simple mode, well it just doesn’t get much simpler or easy for a new user to manage. I mean, press for On, hold to ramp, press for off. How simple can it get? The complexity really only comes into play in the advanced mode when people want to dig into all of the flexibility that is offered.

Other than that, nice review.

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That’s a good point, many anduril lights come shipped with the simple UI!

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T3 is a nice light.

I have the sandblasted titanium version. I replaced the driver with an old H17F, the emitter with a 5000K Nichia 519a, and the clip with titanium Jetbeam RRT-01 clip (the finish the matches the light), held on with some convoy screws and nuts.

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NVM. I finally noticed that you were talking about the T3…

Did you drill and tap holes? I am trying to visualize how you attached the clip.

One thing I am not fond of with the Pokelit is the stock clip. Well that and the size. But I do love that beam profile.

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I hate those 2-directional clips.

  • The extra bend makes the clips bulky
  • The tip of the backbend tends to get caught on things when trying to pull the light out of my pocket
  • Many 2-directional clips don’t slip easily onto a pocket. It may require 2-hands to clip the light to anything.
  • The added backbend provides no useful functionality to anyone not interested in clipping their light to a ball cap.
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I completely agree with all of your points.!!
Besides that, they stick out of a pocket enough to catch on things and/or scratch them. Woodwork, auto paint, etc. At minimum, I wish the manufacturers /brands would offer an option for a low profile clip.

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BTW, The TS10 comes stock in the Simple mode. At least all of the 15 or so that I have had go through my hands did.
Maybe that could have been noted in the video. A shame to discourage people from getting a light unnecessarily.

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The “anduril is too complicated” thing is really a meme at this point, and it’s sad to see it perpetuated by reviewers like OP. I agree, it’s absolutely unnecessary.

I reckon youtubers like to mention this just for content, or maybe to pad their videos out.

If you can operate any modern/smart appliance, you can operate anduril. I have kitchen appliances that are more complicated than anduril.

“You have to actually remove the batteries to charge them”
Ohhhh, The Horror! :slight_smile:

Yea, thats how the world functioned for 500 years.

Nice review. The T3 with setup works great even at 1.5 amps. The silver aluminum host is great budget alternative to titanium as well.

I think you were fair in your opinion of Anduril to say it has a bigger learning curve and that any beginner can pick it up.

By the way, I believe it’s not recommended to use mechanical lockout on the ts10 since holding the button while the head is unscrewed will lead to a factory reset. 7C in its extended simple UI can cycle aux to off.

The issue is that recent simple mode of Anduril 2 on some lights now have blinky modes. This was requested by some manufacturers.

For example, I recently flashed my SC21 Pro with the latest build and was surprised to find advanced features in simple mode. I’ve since compiled a custom build with the extended simple mode removed because I was gifting this light (and swapped in a 519A and TIR).

In the past, I would say A2 simple mode is great for the muggles but it seems to have made an unfortunate step backwards in some builds for some lights.

OK… but I was addressing the comments on the TS10. Which to my knowledge, does not have this “problem”.
Also, while including the “blinkies” in the main level adjustment progression is well hated by many here on BLF (including me), it is not something that would make the light unusable, or even that much more complicated, for a new user. In any case, it seems that this can be blamed on the manufacturers that requested it, not on Andruil.

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Going by the latest Anduril 2 source code in GitHub, it looks like all Wurkkos models have USE_EXTENDED_SIMPLE_UI defined. I’m not sure which build Wurkkos is shipping with the latest TS10, but anyone updating with the latest build from GitHub will get this extended simple mode.

If the blinkies had temperature regulation then I would agree, but alas they do not and that could be a hazard.

Agree, this lands squarely on the manufactures.

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That’s correct, TS10 v2 titanium and titanium copper ships with extended simple ui.

Interesting. I have 4 of the V2 lights (Ti, TiCu, and Blue oxidized X2) and never noticed the change. But for my lights they are always in advanced mode. So what exactly does this mean for the user?
Still need to do 3H from off to get to the blinkies? If so…???
How does that impact basic use?
I am not a fan, but how likely is it to get to the blinkies accidently? Of course not likely does not mean impossible. Though I always have modified the simple mode befor giving these lights to non-flashaholics, including the blinkie modes.

Anyway, this does not make the simple UI any more difficult to use. Though it may add some (small) risk.

Here’s what’s in extended simple UI