My USBASP_ZIF project (an AVR programmer with integrated ZIF socket and plug for unaltered SOIC clip ribbon cable)

This is a project I've been working on for several months now (its very low priority). Its a new AVR programmer using parts stripped from an USBASP V2.0 and a SOIC8 ZIF socket. It will also allow user's to plug the factory ribbon cable of their SOIC8 clip directly into it with no re-pinning like is required with a USBASP.

I've gotten this .sch put together, I made this by stripping and then tracing out a USBASP, I have re verified what I have laid out is the correct tracing however it just doesnt make sense...

The "issue" is that the output pin's dont correlate with the pinout of the .lbr part for the ATMEGA8A (a part I found, not made), the things that concern me are-

* ATMEGA pin 17 PB3 (MISO) goes to output header pin 7 SCK

* ATMEGA pin 16 PB2 (MOSI) goes to output header pin 9 MISO

* ATMEGA pin 15 PB1 (SCK) goes to output header pin 1 MOSI

How can this possible work? I dont understand. I've repeatedly checked these traces and it's definitely what it is, how can it work like that?

Sorry for huge pic's but its the only way to be able to see it clearly

(mouseover is zoomed in closer on the ATMEGA8A and output's)

File on my dropbox

You’re welcome to download and alter but please do not re-host your altered file, if you make changes please EMAIL it back to me, if you’re alterations are better than my original I’ll rehost (and credit you). This will be open source but for now till its figured out and running, I’d really prefer to not have a bunch of different sources for people to get copies to prevent issues with the incorrect versions floating around.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Wight and I (via PM) have came to the conclusion that the ATMega must be bit banging out the instructions to the slave. It’d be nice to find the actual code the ATMEGA is running. Has anyone ever saw the FW / source posted anywhere for the USBASP?

Is there an easier way to program 13A’s without needing a bunch of other parts? I could take this project a different way, doesn’t have to be USBASP based.

You can make an ISP programmer out of different controllers.
I have seen it as a very small tinyisp stick which used a tiny2313.
And I have often read that some guys use their arduino boards as ISP programmer…

But why? What is wrong with the usbasp? It is dead cheap, everywhere available and has a standard 10pin ISP socket. It’s perfect in my eyes.
Why not just make a slave broad with your sockets and stuff which can be fed with a ISP cable?

Yes, firmware is available. USBasp was not originally a chinese item. USBasp - USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers - These chinese USBasp devices are based on the fischl design. Usually they use fischl’s circuit and fischl’s firmware. Most USBasps have a Program jumper for updating the firmware. If you get “usbasp cannot set sck period” then your USBasp has old firmware.

Wow thats a helpful link. Thanks!

If I may make a friendly jab, its the first result when googling “USBasp”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good work, USBasp is nice and low cost programmer for AVR.

you can see another usbasp with 40 pins ZIF socket and program all AVR on just only one ZIF. All AVR insert form pin 1 ZIF and programmer automatically identify it! and generate clock to XTAL1 pin to support all CKSEL fuse bits states.