On July 15 I placed an order with Banggood for these:
Today, only 8 days later, the came. Just in time for some fun.
Here is the light in the second floor hallway at the top of the stairs. A single 25W Halogen bulb. The vertical filament is the reason for the hard cast shadows.
Interesting, but not too much light. How about 7 60W equivalent CFL Daylight bulbs? That would brighten up this dingy hall while my wife is away!
Or how about some of the newer LED bulbs?
Remember this deal I came across? If you were following the Home Depot deal alerts thread you would.
But let’s do this in a manly way, now that wifey isn’t around to complain.
These things can be daisy chained!
Lets see…… 7 sockets per unit with one socket used for the daisy chain. That equals 13 bulbs.
13 bulbs times 815 lumens each is over 10,000 lumems!
This should brighten up this dark and dreary hallway.
I tried to take the picture but all I got was a white screen.
But wait, there’s more………I bought 6
Not actually. I ordered 3 for me and 3 for a friend
When I saw the title I thought: “Strippers, nice, hope there are some nice pics inside” :bigsmile:
but I guess led bulbs will have to do….
Btw, are you sure those tiny wires can handle the load
While screwing in bulbs I derived the general formula for number of bulbs in an arbitrary number of “thingies” N.
Bulbs required = 6N + 1
Do I have enough bulbs???
During that HD deal, only 20 bulbs were allowed per customer. But if one buys 20 and walks outside and comes back in they’re another customer, right?
I bought 300.
Some are being used, others went to friends and EVERYONE in the family is getting bulbs for Christmas!
Even so, I have set a certain number aside for important experimentation.
Of course you do, you’re a BLF’er.
Now pushing the envelope a little further. What I am about to do is probably not safe to do inside, wife or no wife present, so I will take my activities outdoors.
Found this old brass lamp on the side of the road, so I picked it up.
Loaded up 4 of the “thingies” with bulbs. (6x4 + 1 = 25)
BTW, all photos taken with my cell phone.
Before I show any shots, I must explain that even though it is night time here on the East Coast, there is a lot of ambient light out there.
This lantern contains 5 of the CREE 800 Lumen LEDs and is up next to the garage.
Then along the driveway, there are a couple of these.
In addition to those, there are numerous 1W LED landscape lights. We live about 20 miles south of an airport and my wife worries that one night a pilot is going to try a park a 737 in our back yard.
Anyway, here is what 20,000 lumens of omnidirectional light looks like at night with all the other light “pollution” this household produces.
and from across the street.
I think it looks great. If the lumen police drop by, please vid their visit and post on youtube for our entertainment.
BTW, if the 20k/lm from that conundrum remains unobscured by trees and terrain, lit every night and visible from the air, its entirely possible that pilots might start using it as a ground reference/check point. “Bradley Approach, Delta 571 heavy is niner thousand descending over dchomak, inbound for landing 24. And man, it looks like he added another 50 bulbs to his place again!…”
LOL. I hope the wife does not leave before she gets up the driveway as she may well not recognize this place as her own home if she comes home at night. I'm not sure if we should be calling the looney bin for a pickup.
Each bulb only draws about 100mA. The biggest stress is physical, 4 is as high as I dare go with out additional support. Those CREE full flow bulbs have no heat sinking but rather rely on airflow. They are quite light weight as LED bulbs go.
These adapters do better hanging upside down, so I probably could use all 6 that way. It would have to be indoors though. Using all 6 would be 30,000 lumens.
I gotta order some more
This is awesome. By now you must have belly-cramps from laughing out loud while running up and down the stairs with hands ful of LED-bulbs.
Let’s wait what the wife says. When we don’t hear from you on monday, you have been taken. By some probing extra terrestrial, or by the Men In White.
BTW, now you’ve almost cornered the LED-bulb market, shouldn’t you send a memo to the FTC? 0:)
That’s awesome! I got one of the 4x splitters to use in my garage: lighting is poor there, with only 2 ceramic single-bulb ceiling fixtures.
I had been using 2-bulb splitters to have four 100W-equiv. CFL bulbs, but that wasn’t bright enough. My ultimate plan is to add a third single-bulb fixture, then use the 4x splitter in the middle, with 2x splitters on either side giving me 8 bulbs total. Then, with the Lowe’s 60W equiv. LED bulbs, I should finally have enough light to work there. Of course, it 100-degree summer time now, so I’m not in a hurry to move on this project until later this fall when it’s cooler, and gets dark earlier.
Now, I’m wishing I had seen these 7x splitters earlier; they have good pricing on the 3x and 4x splitters as well at Banggood; I may have to place an order soon…