Mysterious drones

Hey guys, did you see the misterious drones showing up all over the world? Time to shine your high candela lights over them to see what they really are:

It’s similar to a human male.
It’s a mister-y. :rofl: (as said by Mario of the Mario Bros.)

The title of this thread was:
Misterious drones [Sic]

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It could make for some great beamshots or get them bright enough for somebody to get a descent picture.

Seriously though, billions of cameras out there and there isn’t any good pictures?

Does anyone here have a confident answer to what they are?

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As far as I can tell, they’re just large drones.
On the news, they mentioned that as far as anyone can tell, these drones aren’t doing anything illegal, so the authorities can’t do much about them.
If the drones have explosives in them, however, then destroying the drones could be extremely dangerous, so that’s generally not a good idea.

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All these talking heads are basically saying the same exact thing: “They’re not ours, we have no idea whose they are are or what they’re doing, but be assured they’re harmless and pose no threat to national security.”. Yuh-huh.

Take one down, and see who comes crawling out of the woodwork to claim it and/or cart it away.

First-responders apparently got a memo that if one does come down, to suit up in PPE and SCBA, and stay 330ft away from it.

Screw dat. Run up to it, video it from all angles close-up and personal, then gtfo and make 50 safe-copies of the video/pix before even breathing word to anyone that you got them.

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Signs Movie
from 2002
Check that one out if you have forgotten about it.

And keep lots of water glasses around the house :slight_smile:

You want some up close images?
Check this one out near York PA, these things are real close to the cars and they are Big.

Nothing to worry about, it’s just this new security company called “Skynet” testing out the hardware.

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Some sightings in the UK, too.

What puzzles me is the apparently random locations, if it was all US military, how come they pop up in seemingly unrelated countries?

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Likely some military stuff on a very important mission. Maybe on search for something dangerous, radioactive materials or something like that. (Applies only for NJ “drones”, for the other ones I don’t know)
This could explain why no one gives clear information on what is going on up there. To avoid mass hysteria and panic.

Some images looked similar to RQ-170 drones. Subreddit UFOs is very good to get an overview, but beware of fakes and false positives (like in every media)

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This was in Brazil. It can be seem flying close to the streets and suddenly speeds up towards the sky when disappears:

In other news:
Two drones last night spotted hundreds of land-based objects moving on dark pathways. Some appeared to be controlled by lights at intersections on these pathways. Some were moving at up to 75 mph. Most authorities think these objects are harmless. Other authorities think that we should beam some of these objects up to the mothership. Still others think that we should just zap them.

In other news:
Zap will commence in 3z 2z 1z ZZZZZ ZZZZZ

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The USA is a high trust environment, with a sizeable percentage of power generation and distribution sites shielded by little more than signage and chain link fencing. Many water treatment plants have the same minimal protection. It doesn’t take much imagination to see the dreadful possibility of coordinated events involving autonomous drones. Clusters of drones don’t need payloads or munitions to cause large scale disruption of services.
The snuff films from the latest conflicts are examples of drone technology changing the scope of engagement between factions.

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Love this quote:

“Each of these ‘drones’ have a green light on the right, a red light on the left, and a strobe light, which is required by the FAA at night. So either the aliens and Iranians are complying with FAA law or it’s something else,” former Air National Guard member and former Illinois Republican representative Adam Kinzinger said in a social media video on Thursday. “You’re allowed to fly over military bases and sensitive national security areas. In fact, small planes and pilots do this all the time and there’s no restriction on it. So the freak-out doesn’t really make sense.”

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Now that cured my anxiety

Some things I’ve noticed:

  1. Normal aircraft : No small number of these sightings feature FAA-compliant lighting or are very obviously civilian aircraft. A glance at flight tracking websites (I prefer ADS-B Exchange) would resolve many of these claims immediately.
  2. Mass hysteria : news coverage reliably pulls sightings out of the woodwork - along with jolly pranksters looking to troll the media and pearl-clutchers. And rarely is there a good camera handy to attempt to capture already-difficult to document phenomenon of moving (apparently) small objects in the dark - often with point sources of light: home movie film cameras through the 80s, camcorders through the early 00s, smartphones the last ~20 years are particularly ill-suited to the task.
  3. Autokinetic effect : a phenomenon where even trained pilots have difficulty discerning relative movement (or lack thereof) of a point source of light against a dark sky
  4. Convenient nonanswers : Government has long been content to let “UFOs” be the explanation for various activities they’d rather not disclose: classified aircraft, military exercises, surveillance activity. The SR-71 in particular was responsible for no small percentage of sightings due to its engines’ prominent mach diamonds, often visible from the ground which along with the autokinetic effect and the aircraft’s flight patterns contributed to many a “it hovered stationary then shot straight up” sightings.
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It could end up like Jaws where there is a bounty (through gofundme or such) and someone brings in a small one that is unrelated but the actual big one is still out there.

drone influencers.

“It turns out drones are annoying.
Who saw that coming?” - The Daily Show :grin:

They’re ours. They’re used to search for nuclear/radioactive materials. More specifically dirty bombs coming in through the ports. They’re quite neat looking, with rearward folding wings, two props on each wing kind of like an osprey, and very expensive.

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Domesday clock is still at 90 secs, nukes are being moved all over, US Gov is beginning to offer disclosure on UAPs. There’s a lot going on.