Mysterious drones

If the spy satellite operator has a specific address that they want to look at the next time it passes over New Jersey they can look at a specific address along its orbit path at that specific time that the orbit path passes over New Jersey. But they are not able to scan the whole state or a whole town or even a whole section of a town AND see any sort of detail. So without knowing specifically where to look during that limited few minute period that the satellite is passing over, it is not useful for ā€trackingā€ drones or successfully capturing pictures of drones.
As for capturing radio frequencies with satellites, that probably works reasonably well with a ship out in the ocean or specific sites in very rural areas.

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You would be extremely surprised at the capabilities these satellites have. They donā€™t require targeting. But they can be moved and set for specific targets. They can observe in several parts of the visible spectrum. At RF they can take in huge amounts of data over wide areas and send it back for analysis. No doubt they could detect the signals used to control the ā€œdronesā€ if it is there 9Drones can be set to follow a preprogrammed flight path) I am judging by what they were doing 20 years ago when I had some involvement.

If anyone in the power structure had any interest they could easily identify these ā€œdronesā€. Or maybe they have, and those that know what is best for us, have decided we have no need to knowā€¦

Man, the internet is fun.

Before you all get too crazyā€¦

For me, the whole ā€œdroneā€ issue has become the purest shitshow. Videos are constantly popping up that clearly show airplanes or balloons, claiming to be the next NHI thing, and then there are the much more annoying ā€œdebunkersā€ who call EVERYTHING that flies in the sky and doesnā€™t shoot off abruptly at 7000 km/h an ā€œairplaneā€ or ā€œballoonā€. They also like to do this with the ā€œorbsā€: ā€œout of focusā€ is the most popular blanket response you can hear. This may be true in most cases, but who knows how many interesting cases the ā€œskepticsā€ brush aside.

Thatā€™s the most annoying thing, the laziness of the ā€œdebunksā€. Nobody makes an effort anymore. Just a few minutes ago: thereā€™s a video of a white, cigar-shaped object (without recognizable wings, tail or any other features) in the blue sky, easily visible with bare eye, and the allmighty internet crowd immediately says ā€œitā€™s an airplane, thanks for nothing, stop posting such videosā€. In the meantime, you can be sure that the so-called ā€œskepticsā€ will find an explanation for EVERYTHING, no matter how absurd it may be. Of course, they always tell you to please leave it alone, as if the skeptics are the ones who are allowed to control who posts what and whenā€¦

I now largely ignore the topic, as it shows me how the Internet works (or doesnā€™t) - I can understand how some people shout ā€œdisinformationā€, after all, some of them offer good templates for it.

This pretty much sums up a lot of it;

If we had the internet in the 1950ā€™s the sheetshow would have been here sooner.

A few weeks ago I said that CNN and some other news outlets had turned and were now mostly dismissing this. CNN at that time acknowledged that one of the videos that they had been showing a few days prior had been digitally altered and they regretted showing it. They implied that they were duped and it was fake. They did not specify which video it was or where they got it.
Itā€™s entirely possible that many of the ā€œreportsā€ were airplanes and stars and satellites and some number of legal recreational drones and some number of legal commercial drones. And maybe a tiny minority of those drones were operating in spaces and places and ways they should not have been. And maybe the government was flying some of them. And itā€™s entirely possible that the government looked with whatever means it has available and saw nothing out of the ordinary. And itā€™s entirely possible that they were not trying to mislead or hide or cover anything up when they said that ā€œwe have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety riskā€.
There are some politicians and many in the public for some unspecified reasons and without any evidence, that donā€™t want to believe that the government is telling the truth.

The government cannot at this point in time monitor most drones in real time. And they canā€™t go back in time to see where most drones have been either.
Some politicians and many people donā€™t understand that. I believe that lack of understanding is driving some of this mistrust.
If the government came straight out and said that they cannot monitor most drones there would be some cries to shut them all down. After this current issue all dies down there will be problems with drones that crop up that cause major issues.

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I am less than astounded. Driving anxiety is an economic imperative in the news biz and seems cable news discovered a gusher of a well of the stuff.

A statement with wiggle room for the speaker and more room for individual interpretation for recipients.

There is NOTHING that the government could have said 3 weeks ago OR COULD SAY TODAY that will change the mistrust and speculation.
If they had told the public everything that they do know and fully spelled out everything that they donā€™t know it likely would have made things worse.
This 3-minute video spells it out. I have not seen the movie.

Again, in the future drones will cause problems and some people will feel vindicated for raising alarms over this current non-issue. Even though they donā€™t know what alarms theyā€™re trying to raise currently.

Iā€™m with Giorgio. :alien:

News outlets compete for audiences. The more outlandish and troubling the story, the bigger the viewing figures. The media are supposed to keep the government in check. In practice they often sow distrust and discord. And I bet the real stories behind the government, the most worrying ones, pass under the radar. Far better we pay attention to a fruitcake drone story, than we look at poverty, homelessness, money wasted on DEI schemes, lack of access to medical care, toxic chemicals in the environment, dangerous pesticides on fruit and veg and in meat animals, dodgy deals between big corp and state legislatures, powerful lobbying groups that act against our interests etc.

Yeh, I never trusted The Fifth Columnā€¦

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ā€œAmericans have been reporting UFOs since at least 1947.ā€
Sometimes UFOs can be from American adversaries.
Different people have different opinions on intelligent life forms visiting Earth (from other celestial bodies), but these mysterious drones are just the latest unidentified flying objects. :space_invader:

Please refrain from using this type of foul language in the future .
We had to fire the nanny for using these terms in front of the children. They awaken every night to screeching sounds of dolphins mixed with my little ponyā€™s set on fire . Muffin is in therapy and little Timmy thinks our dog Mr Buttons is the Anti -Christ . Sadly we missed your first video but will be looking out for the sequel .