Now there’s S version? Ssssshiet… I just bought two of these, and now the new one come out already :person_facepalming:
specs leaked
XHP35 HI E4-3C
1800 lumens
NW tint
tripod connection
no build in charger
what’s that green thing Lexel?
looks cool and i want one
Wonder why they got rid of the inbuilt charger. Maybe they realised the XT12gt wasn’t that reliable
Another gb? Lol
I will regret my XT12GT purchase if they make the new S version run hotter… the real problem with the XT12GT’s performance is that it steps down too quickly and stays too cool, regulating at just around 700 lumens after initial stepdown. The much smaller DQG Tiny 26650 IV steps down to 950 lumens and stays there for 2.5 hours, so compared to that the klarus is disappointing. Even the super compact zebralight can regulate at 750 lumens.
Thanks Kiriba
I guess it won’t be available for sale and if it is then it wouldn’t be cheap. Looks cool though
The Man in the video is a great artist!!
Maybe they didnt wat to make a triangle shape for tripod, sideswitch and magnetic charger
Basically I would have liked the XT12GT with this configuration
And if it would run hotter with less stepdown
Ok mystery solved here
So now finally to the roots of this light. The other thread is a bit of a little hoax, its not a Klarus prototype The GTS print on it is photoshopped, but the rest is real. [image] Sadly I have to tell you it's a mod from me and will most likely never been sold this way, but it is not to hard to build if you have a spare XT11GT and put the driver of the XT12 in the XT11 just sealing the side switch and charger port of the XT11 with a spacer or sand down the XT12GTs head to make it fit …
The green thing is a 30mW laser illumination my magical cube
If I would have gone the easy way
sand down the XT12GT head lip that is longer than on the XT11 head to make it fit the XT11 body
But I wanted the tripod mount and dont like build in chargers with silicone cover
I’m confused… You photoshop an existing flashlight and tell us it is a prototype, even discuss the specs and what you expect from it… then you say it is actually a mod you have done? The mod is great and all but why not say it from the beginning and why start two threads for it?
And please don’t take this the rude way I just don’t get what’s with the secrecy and mystery on BLF lately?
It was a wind up. The manker light was a normal build up to a new product.
This was a wind up considering how many people have the XT11 / XT12 and people are rather vocal about what they’d like to change.
With so many teasers at the moment of who might be doing what I think Lexel just wanted a bit of a laugh. I could be wrong but I dont see why everyone is getting so uptight about everything.
Klarus brought the XT11 series to market sort of EDC light, people bought it
Then introduced the XT11GT people said 400m throw 2000 Lumens I want to have it
with XHP35 HI D4 and just a few weeks later switched to HD E4 because people complained about not getting 2000 Lumens.
In my opinion this made the light worse.
Then people bought the XT11GT as sort of powerful EDC
Just to see the launch of the XT12GT and want this pocket thrower.
But they did not adjust the thermal management which was even on the XT11GT keeping stepping down to fast, lights like Nitecore P12 with aluminium board run the body hotter and the XT series got DTP
The big head, magnetic charger and tripod connection was a plus for the XT12GT but not getting a XPL HI E4-3C in it and do a head with sideswitch as well was a mistake in my opinion.
They just had to do charging and sideswitch as the XT11GT and add thripod 90degree rotated to it or do sideswitch, charger and tripod 120degree to each other