I thought we might share what was laying on the bench this morning. These are in various stages… some headed out the door later today others headed for the finisher. Sorry for the messy images… just grabbed these with my phone.
The heads on the left are in various diameters it isn’t your eyeballs going bad. I see one still goes to the mill for flats to be cut. It just never ends!!
A couple of these will go out with our custom pill and …as soon as they arrive… XHP 50.2 . The copper Turbo head on the body is shown without a bezel.
The head and tail here have been hit with a scrubbie… that body in front is 100% untouched, right off the machine. It hasn’t even been turned to make the tailcap fit perfectly. All these Lego in any combination. Enjoy!! TL
Just simply wow. I see several desktops there. Wheres that stereo cat of pp’s when you need it.
I’m loving the look of the square texture on the battery tubes.
Argh just mean, MRsDNF presenting the most beautiful lights, then Dale with his triple 50.2 and now this… Despite it being sweet to look at it starts to get a bit much
Thanks all!
These are a production series… we shouldn’t whisper about Dale and MRsDNF’s lights on the same page. The lights those gents have shown the past few days are ART DELUXE!!! Thanks though…makes me feel good!!
That square detail on the grip is my favorite texture to put on a light. 150% no slip!
I’ll have some of these up for sale in awhile. Hopefully the price will be good enough to move some. Many Thanks again for the nice comments. TL
Yes sir, those are all P-60 and can be set up for 18650 or 20700 batteries. They of course will accept our custom dropins that allow triples etc with an optic.
Just curious… would you be planning any kind of “smoothie”, kinda like a M*glite? Ie, a straight-pipe design, slightly rounded tailcap, minimal knurling just in a band around the battery-tube.
I know, I know, lots of people like their lightsabres and all, with all the gouges and rings and ridges and whatnot, but sometimes simplicity is best.
Dunno if you’re planning any kind of ano on the Al lights, but a shiny medium-gray “gunmetal” would look awesome in that kind of design.
YES. They are larger. I don’t make the thin tin foil stuff. All of our P60 lights will accept commercial P60 drop ins…. and we make heads, tails, & bodies that will Lego within our own lights. Our light parts are not meant tot interchange with China P60 lights…. other than the P60 Dropin itself. Thanks for asking!! TL