Name a Narrow/Slim/Skinny/Tube "throwy non-thrower"

That’s why I was hoping to “borrow” some of your experience. :bigsmile:

Not being the kind of flashlight user who really cares (other than on rifles and vehicles) about “Throw” (which I believe to be, essentially, illuminating something “out there”, which is where I am not & can’t see anyway), and being the kind of flashlight user who really does not like the pencil beam of some lights I’ve had like this ridiculous thing: Super SabreLite® 3C Professional Flashlight (which I gave away, BTW, because it was a waste of good batteries to me, and absolutely worthless at work — you could rub shoulders with a grizzly bear in a cave & never even see it if you didn’t point the beam right at the beastie)

I always just assumed that what you ‘throw guys’ were talking about was a tiny beam…

I’m still willing to try 5° or 8° or even 10° optics, in one of my Dimbo S5 Clones, but now I’m just confused again.