Got a solid clamp meter, doesn’t do microamps. Had a good multimeter that did everything great until it died. Got a replacement that promptly died after 2 weeks…
So I need a good multimeter, preferably from Amazon prime. Ideally less than $40.
Primary use is measuring microamps, checking batteries off the charger, checking car batteries.
Uni-t 139c! It’s very fast and responsive. It does every thing even rather big capacitors and the display is big and clear.
I use my 139c alot more than my flukes and my Extech ex330 feels like a toy compared to my uni-t 139c.
Yea i second the 139c. The temp probes stock are junk the temp is of by a bit. But you can buy better ones. Its one of the only UNI-T meters with proper input protection. I was testing a BLF DD and i got 25amps and the meter took it fine it just started beeping. Oh and it has a back light!