Need a good multimeter.

Got a solid clamp meter, doesn’t do microamps. Had a good multimeter that did everything great until it died. Got a replacement that promptly died after 2 weeks…

So I need a good multimeter, preferably from Amazon prime. Ideally less than $40.

Primary use is measuring microamps, checking batteries off the charger, checking car batteries.

Uni-t 139c! It’s very fast and responsive. It does every thing even rather big capacitors and the display is big and clear.
I use my 139c alot more than my flukes and my Extech ex330 feels like a toy compared to my uni-t 139c.

Oh nice, I’ll have to look into it more, but that seems pretty solid. Runs on AA to boot.

Have you used the temperature probe? That feature could be quite useful in testing.

Tempereature measurement works fine but it doesn’t have decimals
e.g 100.4 degrees shows as 100 degrees.

Yea i second the 139c. The temp probes stock are junk the temp is of by a bit. But you can buy better ones. Its one of the only UNI-T meters with proper input protection. I was testing a BLF DD and i got 25amps and the meter took it fine it just started beeping. Oh and it has a back light!

Alright 139c is looking pretty good. I think can live without a decimal on temps.

Is there a good replacement temperature probe?

I think they are standard k type thermocouples I will double check. I will find a video review on it and post it here.

This is cheap but has served me very well, auto ranging also:,searchweb201602_1_10065_10068_112_10069_110_111_418_10017_109_108_10060_10061_10062_10057_10056_10055_10037_10054_301_10033_10059_10032_10058_10073_10070_10052_10053_10050_10051,searchweb201603_7&btsid=fc8fcd51-e8a8-41dc-a1ea-84e3ae7232ef