Need a question answered by experts/gurus about an emitter/reflector combo (question answered: thanks!)

A link in another member’s post to aliexpress showed the brand Paisen(?)… “Paisano” I could understand 8)

Searching found a whole bunch of the brand on taobao, but can an expert tell me what’s going on here with this reflector and emitter? It’s the weirdest thing I’ve seen in a flashlight. What’s the principle or advantage?\_!!290349624.jpg
(pic wouldn’t insert cause the jpg names have exclamation points and these are used for inserting here on BLF)

Neither an expert nor a guru but will try to help ;)

It's a recoil-thrower. The Led sits behind the lens directed into the reflector in order to optimize the throw, the 4th picture from top in your link shows quite well how it works. Good for max throw but bad for heatsinking.

@Huny74: Thanks for providing the name of the setup: a web search shows them with more info… yeah, looks real lousy for the heat!

Funny, I was wondering just the other day about how much better reflectors would work if the LED was at the focus of the parabola and if anyone does that.