Need advice on a recent this normal?

Hi All,

Ordered a TS22 from on 6/15. I received a email receipt from paypal that was fairly detailed. I never got anything from Wurkkos. Thought I would at least get an order number I can track.
I emailed to an address I saw on the website and messaged the Wurkkos user here on BLF. No response from either.
So - am I just being an impatient idiot? Does the receipt from paypal count as the order acknowledgement? Forgive my ignorance, I plead newbie



My order from them took 4 days to ship. They’re probably busy with the copper TS10 rush.

2 Thanks

My last purchase took 6½ days between ordering and landing on my doorstep in NL.

I got a notification from PP that Wurkkos was paid AND and almost simultaneously got an email from Wurkkos thanking me for my order. After that Wurkkos kept me in the loop all the time. So maybe you should contact Wurkkos (better yet @Wurkkos_Terry ) about your order.

That happened to me with a TS10 and I am still waiting to hear back from them was at the beginning of the month June 2.

I opened a thread and asked them to close it, they only praised Wurkkos but I’m still the same.

I sympathize with you it’s frustrating.

In my case they supported Wurkkos maybe to look good and get freebies.

But this hurts the buyer if we don’t say so.

Hopefully that’s why and I will receive it soon.

@Drew For my part you have my support.

@Drew Did check the My Orders page on their website? they have a contact option there if your order shows up on that page. They replied to my queries within a day

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I don’t know about USPS, but PostNL has a habit of “rebadging” the original tracking code. Which adds only more confusion. Maybe I’m negatively biased but I use “17track(dot)net” even for tracking outgoing parcels. And most certainly for parcels from China that are coming my way.

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If so they usually do that when it arrives at destination they change the tracking number, some websites tell you the correct number.

I think I have the tracking website and I use an App on iPhone called TrackChecker if that helps @Drew .

But I think that’s no excuse for Wurkkos not replying to the messages I guess I send @Drew

I am sending you the form, if you have already sent an email, try the form in case you get a reply here.

I hope you can fix it.

My orders from Wurkkos to the US took about 2 weeks. Didn’t get many updates in the way of tracking or anything. I wasn’t worried and I wasn’t in a hurry. It showed up in a reasonable amount of time. I don’t start getting nervous until the 30 day mark. Honestly I have never gotten taken by any of the overseas sellers. Had a few hiccups along the way but they got worked out just fine. I don’t really like to sit and track packages. Gets me all excited to see it move when in reality it will get here when it gets here.

I believe that’s who he’s talking about. When he said he messaged the Wurkkos user on blf.

I messaged him( Wurkkos_Terry) also…3 days ago and No response

That is where I go first.
I just placed two orders with them. I also got a Paypal notice and an Email from Wurkkos within a few minutes of placing both orders.

I also ordered on June 15th. My packages have cleared customs into the US.

I hope you get some info. I know how frustrating this can be. But you should feel confident that you will get your order…eventually. I have ordered from Wurkkos several times and it has always worked out just fine.

I had similar issue with a different seller a while ago, they made a typo in my email address, so i never got any emails, but i did get the order.
It is only been 7 calendar days, i do not know where op located, but if in USA it could take up to 6 weeks, and the seller really has no control over customs and usps, or whatever delivery service they use here.

They don’t always send a shipping notice.

Check spam folder?

I didn’t see anyone else mention this but there is a Chinese holiday this week (the Dragon Boat Festival), that may be part of the delay.

2 Thanks

Placed an order with Wurkkos 6/13 (TS10 copper), ship notification 6/15, arrived today (6/23). Pretty damn quick if you ask me. The record for me is 9 days from order to delivery from China.

:+1: Wurkkos.

My last order was placed 5/19, showed shipped 5/21. I got emails for order confirmation, and shipping both. although IIRC the tracking number is not in the emails, you have to go log into the site to get that from the order page.

By 5/26 the tracking number didn’t show anything, and I sent a message on the order page. Reply within 24 hours, said it was still in their distribution warehouse, and he’d basically go tell them to get their butts in gear… Tracking started moving the next day.

Deffinetally, go log into the wurrkos site, and look at your order there. You should at least soo a tracking number there. In the list of orders there is a 3 dot menu on the right, in that there is a contact us link, it opens a message page attached to the order. Do not click the order number itself in the list to get to messaging, on the actual order page there is no link to the messaging area. Its only accessible from the order list.

As to shipping times, since others are chiming in on that…
Then it took about 2.5 weeks. Which isn’t bad, week to the US, then USPS takes a week to Alaska. This time it took about 8 or 9 days each leg, so both overseas and stateside were behind the curve.

In the process my Soffirn order that I placed about 5/30 caught up to it and passed it, supposed to come a day earlier, then delayed and they came the same day. This one was about 2 weeks total as well.

M previous order from them took like 16 days flat from purchase to me. which wasn’t bad, it sent immediately, and again, week to the US, then week to me.

Both orders had email confirmation of both being placed, and shipping dates(although the the second one was wrong, it hadn’t shipped–Automated e-mails Before shipping not after lol).

Its all amazingly slow to me actually, since I can order anything on eBay that comes direct from China/Hong Kong and have it in 4 days flat… Faster than I can from anywhere stateside!!

Different carrier contracts, no doubt. Some carriers are just Slower. And whoever Wurkkos and Soffirn, and almost all I’ve ordered from on Aliexpress use, are the slow ones.

Have an order in with Wurkkos right now. I’ve been busy, haven’t checked tracking yet… Might remember it later today.

Once I had a package from china get to usa in less than 2 weeks, then for over a month it was sitting in customs in NJ. it was like $20 package, a battery box iirc, I eventually got it.
Another time i was tracking a package from china, and its last scan was in my local post office, I waited a week, they never delivered it, so i went there with a tracking print out, they looked but could not find, so they gave me a form to fill, a claim form for a lost package, in that form there was a phone number, I called, a lady picked up the phone I explained everything, she told me, let me see what i can do, well the next day it was brought to my door, I do not know who that lady was, but she made them find it.

No email from Wurkkos, no order number.

Since I have no order number, how can I look it up?