Need empty XML 16mm Noctigon/Singkpads located in Australia

Hi all,

Bit of a random one here. I am in desperate need of two 16mm sized noctigon or sinkpad MCPCBs with XML footprint. I do not require the emitters, just the bare boards. I preferably need an Australian seller so I can get them this week coming. I am willing to pay above the sticker price. Used condition is fine provided they are not completely screwed!

I have two 20mm noctigons I would be happy to trade if it helped at all.

Let me know what you've got.


- Matt

All credit cards accepted not including American express. PM sent.

PM replied. Thank you so much :)

Do you take Diner’s Club card?

Only if lunch is included.

Since you did not state what caliber of restaurant then McDonalds lunch is provided captatio benevolentiae

5 star it is then… youll be in like Flynn

I take it you have been sorted Matt?

If not, I have a couple of new 16mm XML Noctigons sitting here.

I’m north of Brissy. (Morayfield.)