Need help - Birthday present for 9yo gal

Mine must be V1, I only have three modes.

Not knowing what your $$ limits are, I’d suggest (for a 9ans female) something like this:
Pink Xeno E03 — maybe the name “Xeno” (aka “Zeno”) will lead her to the philosophy of paradoxen

I have one of these in 2*CR123 form factor, and I love it!! It doesn’t have the only blinky mode I might want (SOS), but it does blink. Plus, if she shows it to a knowledgeable adult, they’ll be impressed too…

This one is a little “steampunk”, but it fits your criteria & costs less than $20… Not sure about the guts, but TerraLux has a decent rep.

The TrustFire R5 has a good rep here. Maybe the pink ring would work better for a female… (Or black it out with a Sharpie…)

To come at it from a different angle … (sorry…)
This might be useful to a soon-to-be-tween:

Nice to see this effort!! I hope my little dalliance helps somehow…

(Edit: I see I’m late to the party again!! Well, let me just call this ’second’ the earlier posts…)

How about a AA L2.
Barbie Doll / swiss knife of flashlights.
Get her started moding early.
Get extra parts for you.
Win Win

Looks like the Xeno E03 V3 in pink-red made the race!
Runs on AAs, has the blinkies (but hidden!) and has her favorite color - all criteria met!

Thanks Chloe! :beer: <- Well, a cocktail icon is missing in this forum. :wink:

…and of course thanks to all others! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

If you decide on Xeno E03 (in case your daughter don’t like it, you will :smiley: ) , HKE listed price on Ebay is about same price as in their web, try to make best offer there.