Need help selecting a Driver

Hi, I am currently trying to create a new caving lamp.

I am looking at using a 12.4V XHP50.2, My plan is to put it on one of these with a steel or aluminium heat sync (have a lathe and mill so planning on making a custom heat sync so any advice on the material for heat sync would be great.)

What driver would be best to use, I am planning to use a 18650 batteries and preferably have less than 6 batteries in total as it is going to be mounted on my head and due to weight for long times (6-10 hours) (will carry spare batteries in an external bag), sort of like these head torches ( I don’t mind if it is a boost or a buck converter as it will just change the batteries to series or parallel, would prefer a driver that has low battery protection and alerts in advance in some form or dims, going to be used underground. Been looking through Taskled and can’t see any difference between the boost and buck so wondered what would be better for my application and if there are any drivers that I have missed that would be more applicable for the application.


Lexel has bucks in various sizes

Steel has poor thermal conductivity and is heavy, aluminium is much more appropriate.

Copper is the best heatsinking material next to aluminum, then brass. Avoid steel. I start with PC heatsinks for my custom builds with copper cores.

For a driver, if you’re doing 4S for the 12v emitter, you can do a buck driver. There are lots from China that deliver good output. Or Lexel makes nice ones too and so does TaskLED. I recommend a buck at around 2A for the best run times because the light output is linear and regulated until the battery gets low. You won’t be pushing the led too hard either. Make sure you have some sort of cooling for the driver though.

12V Needs quite some modifications on that MCPCB as you need 4 connection pads on the LED used
6/12V is a MCPCB configuration not LED

It’s possible to mod a MCPCB slotting the pad and make a separate wire bridge, but on a triple that gets even harder than on a single LED board

Another option would be 3S of 3V XHP50.2 and run them from 3 or 4S

With the 3V and the parallel MCPCB , would that mean that I would need to still be looking for a 12V converter or would it be a 3V system with 9A draw. (I believe it would be the second one). Would this mean that i dont need the cells in series but in parallel?
