Hello. So after reading many reviews I had just ordered TS10 because of its cute size & aux LEDs. This will be my first multi-LEDs flashlight, and while it has not arrived yet, I can imagine its runtime will be short and will be more suitable for fun than practical use. So I’d like to know some options with below requirements to scope down my further research.
1. Good driver. Efficient, long flat/regulated output, especially for 14500/AA sized.
2. Nice cool white LED 5500K-6000K option. Prefer a bit throwy beam (150-200m range). For reference, I have SP31v2 with XPL-HI, M150v2 CW, SC31 pro CW, and SP31v2 with LH351D 5000K in order of beam preference (color & throw wise). Multi LEDs is ok if it helps efficiency and on throwy side.
3. Small package (maybe FW3A or KR4 at maximum), single 18650, 14500, or 21700 in order of preference.
4. Anduril with easy-access to flashing (just for bug fixes, feature update opportunity, though I have no experience yet).
5. Aux light is preferred.
6. Onboard charging. USB-c or proprietary is okay as long as battery removal is not required.
7. Budget is not decided now but prefer sub $100.
That’ll be the new Wurkkos FC13, RGB’s under the switch. Don’t know if it has flashing pins, just got ship notice from Wurkkos/AliExpress, can hardly wait. Good luck.
At this price for the fc13 I doubt it’s an efficienct driver. Doubtful you get flat runtimes, but I could be wrong. Will wait for reviewers. What I do know is that the first batch they are running the sfn43 led. From my own testing with it in the sp35t, it is the wrong choice for this sort of light because of high overheating. In one minute on high or turbo, light becomes uncomfortable to hold. It is more suitable for larger hosts, it is an incorrect choice for this sort of light. I personally will be passing on it until I see what’s the next emitter option they offer (they did a poll for emitter choices for fc13 on Facebook)
Most Anduril lights seem to run FEt drivers or some kind of hot rod setup. As they are thermally controlled too, outputs do not tend to be flat aka flat regulation. Although this trend does seem to have vanished a bit in the market.
If you want BIG headlight output figures, then flat regulation is unlikely to be a thing on that light.
As for updates and flashing the driver…. I’d argue you shouldn’t need too. Not if it is well designed from the off.
If you want throw, you’ll want a single LED. Multi LED will offer more potential lumens, but a more floody beam. Single LEDs are less common with aux lighting, as there is nowhere to put aux LEDs unless it is maybe running a single large TIR optic.
Not fulfilling a lot of your requirement. But I really like the look of the Convoy S21E. Probably as small as you can get for a 21700. But it is still fairly small to EDC (lot bigger than a 14500). But comes with massive runtime and a lot more throw. Insane throw I daresay with the SFT-40.
I’m also waiting for more reviews from later batches of FC13 & TS25. Apart from the driver, I think FC13 is beautiful but expect a better LED choice.
Thanks for pointing out. I’m actually okay with a hotrod turbo, but maybe a more regulated range from low to mid-high that I use more often so I don’t need to recharge the cell frequently.
For driver update, agreed, I shouldn’t need. But there are cases recently that need to, I may overthinking.
For throw, sometimes I even want more from my single-LED tube lights. Unfortunately, these single-LED lights don’t have fancy aux . And I think at same brightness, multi-LED might have longer runtime? I’ll see how I feel with multi-LED after TS10 arrives.
Lastly, I was considering S21E as well. I still need to study the UI more. And again, no fancy aux :cry: . Would 519A 5700K throw decently, comparing to my reference flashlights?