I'm looking for single or dual bay budget (as in cheap) charger that will accommodate 26650 cells, both unprotected and protected. It doesn't have to fit 18650's or smaller cells, but it would be nice. An external power supply would be preferable, but again, not necessary. All suggestions are welcome, especially if they are cheap.
Trustfire TR-005
I use a tr006, no complaints so far.
If you have any 3x 26650 lights or think you may get some or 32650 cells in the future, I’d say consider TR-008. No reviews on it so far though, but it looks like what “big light” people would want (except for being lower A than ideal).
I’ve added those three to my list. The TR-008 is more than I really would like to pay, but it is an interesting charger, having that LCD. Yes, I have more than one 3x26650 light, and I would like to get 32650 capability if I can. But it isn’t a need right now so I don’t want to pay a premium to get it.
Thanks guys! Keep the suggestions coming.
Nitecore/Jetbeam/whatever Intelli(r)charger 4 v2.
I just use my Xtar WP2 II with a paper clip
don`t want to buy an extra charger for my 1 and only 26650.
Trustfire TR-005 ?
Trustfire TR-006 ?
Trustfire TR-008 ?
Trustfire TR-009 >>> 4 x 26650s
I’ve looked at that one and I like the SOC feedback via LEDs. Unfortunately the current is somewhat low for 26650 cells.
I know I welcomed all suggestions, but I can’t charge my cells with dreams - the current is too low and it doesn’t terminate properly. :_(
I like some of the recent Xtar chargers - I have a VP1 I’m doing that with now. It makes sense when you’ve only got one or two cells, but it’s trying my patience now that I’ve got more cells.
Can’t seem to find that one. Got a link?
I use the TrustFire TR-006:
I've used it for about a year now with no issues, but there were some reports of troubles with them early on. I'm happy with mine but YMMV...
TR-009 is a mobile phone charger jack?
Thanks for all input everyone. I’ve ordered a few of these.
You do realize those are 500 mA (probably less) or in other words 10-12hr+ chargers for most 26650s right? I’m tired of my TR-006s which take forever already, but more like 6-8hrs, not 12.
That's why the Trustfire TR-005 is so nice. It only charges one battery, but at 1.5 amps. ;)
I know you have already ordered a charger, but you might consider something like this in the future:
It is a self contained, AC powered hobby charger. It will charge from 0.1A all the way to 6A. For something like a King Kong ICR 26650 you can charge anywhere from 2A to 3A and it will take 4x to 6x less time to charge than the charger you bought. It is much more accurate and you can tailor the charging current based on the battery you are charging. I have a lot of 16340 lights and I really like having a hobby charger because 500mA is really the upper limit of what you should be charging a 16340/14500 at. I usually charge mine at .1A to get the most battery life possible out of a single charge. On the flip side of that coin, I can charge my MNKE IMR 26650’s at 6A if I am in a hurry.
It is $49 well spent.
Thanks for your concern B42. The way I will use these chargers I don’t mind the lack of output.
Thank you for the suggestion oRAirwolf, that looks like a decent little charger. I like hobby chargers too, for many of the reasons you mention, and a few others too. Here is one of mine being used to balance charge three 18650 cells. This cradle I wired works well enough, but protected cells are a very tight fit. Hence the cheap chargers…
Yeah, they do sound alright, like the TR-008 divided into 3. I bought the TR-006s first so I’m stuck with them, and TR-008 is the next step up with 32650 capability.