The 3C DST has been removed from HD's website but I spotted a new 3D model for $19.88. I can't find any stores in my area having stock yet, though. Not in stores, not available online, I think I caught it just at it's introduction for a change. Be on the look out.
Have you checked out the Defiant Armormax 3D? It’s got a fairly large reflector. And it’s actually quite throwy - at least as much as the Super Thrower. At around $30, it costs a little more than other Defiants. But it’s still quite reasonable. It is a little on the heavy side, even compared to a 3D Mag.
Guys, I just checked the Home Depot website again, and it showed the 3D (not the Armormax one) back in stock. I just ordered one for pick-up at my local store. Just wanted to let everyone know, so hopefully the guys who were really looking for this one can pick it up.
On another note…As I was looking for the Defiant 3D, I saw a Techlite Lumen Master 500 Lumen XPG triple. It was listed on for $99.99. I thought it looked like an interesting light with mod potential, but not for a hundred bucks. I Googled it and found one on for $36.97! I happen to be a Costco member, but even if not, there is only a $1.85 surcharge, and shipping is free. I searched for threads about this light but couldn’t find anything on this particular model. Maybe I shoul’ve started a new thread. Anyone know anything about this light?
625 lumens from 4.5v is going to draw considerable amperage. How long will 3 alkaleak D’s last in that light? That’s also a good bit of room, I wonder how hard it would be to make a carrier for 12 Eneloops? (3S4P)
In theory the carrier inside isn’t subject to any large stresses, would it be feasible to make a battery carrier out of hobby styrene? I’m thinking styrene disks connected by styrene L-girders or tube. Someone with a hobby shop that has a good selection of model kits/model trains, try this out and let us know!
I agree, but $4.50 for 12.6 volts is a cheap way to get by until a better solution is found. Of course, one would need to make sure the cells are in good condition and of similar capacity for using in series.