I don’t know what the plans are, but what would one do with an empty D4 host?
XHP was mentioned, but I doubt a XHP mod will be feasible — a boost driver probably won’t fit in the driver cavity, and the body tube isn’t long enough for two 18350 cells. The driver is a custom size and there is only enough physical space for a single-sided board with a few relatively low-profile components.
The parts which are relatively easy to mod are:
XP-sized 3V emitters
… and these are all pretty easy to change already.
A brief overview of what each of the upcoming lights would be fantastic to tell the truth (led, cells, throw or flood would satisfy me very nicely so I’ll know whether to start saving my pennies).
It seems like the D1 will probably be out any day now. Hank has been posting teasers:
That’s a 40 kcd general-purpose light. Not a dedicated thrower, but not a flooder either… Instead of ~4 cd / lm like the D4, this looks like it’ll be about 25 to 30 cd / lm. Less throwy than a C8, a bit less than a BLF X6v2, and slightly more throwy than a BLF X5. Personally I’d prefer something more like 10 to 15 cd / lm with a smaller head, but this is still a pretty good balance.
I also found some other teasers… like this one, a waterproofing test which also shows an O-ring on both sides of what appears to be a rather sturdy lens.
I could be wrong, but it looks like the button’s retaining ring is larger and the button is recessed. Also, with only one emitter and a bit more thermal mass, it should have much better heat-related performance.
This one is probably the most practical light in the Emisar D series.
As far as throw goes....it is pretty awesome! The throw is nearly equivalent to what you get with a C8 and domed emitter. I am measuring ~44kcd with the V2 3A model. Lumens at ~1400 OTF w/ a heavily used VTC5.
Any idea on price Richard? I have bought 5 of the D4’s from you and absolutely love them. I guess I should also have asked Hank (oops) so I just edited my post and my query is now to Hank and Richard or anyone else that knows the price and options available on D1?