New-Brontelight published the powerful 10000 Lumens XHP70 Led Flashlight BT41

From the PM: mrsp is 196.9, with possibility of a group buy.


how is it the cheapest? Olight X7 is basically the same price, and that haikelite triple is $129.

Thanks, djozz.

i got manufacturer price and it’s cheaper than haikelite triple XHP70 price but i cant say it out :stuck_out_tongue:

you can message Brontelight directly as I dont want to be executed :stuck_out_tongue:

? Some people get different prices than others from Bronte? Pretty useless being secretative about the price and then mailing the wrong 196.9 price if the final price is under 129.

I’m really interested in this light and would have appreciated a PM with actual useful price information.

Yea this is more expensive then both the Olight and haikelite! Remember the price is in USD!

And both the Olight and Haikelight have better modes too. With the super Meteor M43 coming out soon, this should have come out months ago to justify this price, and as of now it’s priced far too high. Even if it were exactly the same as the Haikelight, I’d rather support the straightforwardness of Haikelight than the parlour games Bronte is playing.

Haikelight is the current winner in my eyes in terms of looks, design and price .

Waiting for real life review

The price for your guys would be very very reasonable. Please wait for the review first.
Any comments/opinions from your side are welcomed!

Should we pm you regarding comments/opinions too?

Hello Bronte,

Why did I get a 200$ MSRP, when someone else receives a different lower price?

bcoz im special hIKARInoob :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, you are a kangaroo after all…… and I’m just a big ol’ noob… But noobs need big lights too you know :wink:

Not sure what they are trying to prove or accomplish with all this. For this reason, I’m out.

I’m getting there too. This light looks budget and has budget features. Really no problem with that. But if this light nose dives like the X30, then this light really is a budget light and the MSRP of 200$ is just ridiculous. Selling me this for 100$ is not going to make me feel special as this light should cost less than 100$ in the first place. I’m tired of being played around with. But I have to be patient and check out the review…

This thread does look fail.

I agree,because he has a motive and is not HONEST! Never heard of such a ploy to sell lights,should be out in the open.

Maybe they’re trying to find out how much people will pay for it by giving everyone a different price and because it’s “secret” no one will know how they’re attempting to screw the buyers.

And, they’re breaking the forum rules, which say commercial sellers have to be forthcoming. This is anything but.

I already smelled the dead rat in my first post (#20).

Let’s hope my nose is the problem, haha.