New build. Monster 9 amp MTG-2 or bust. Updated post 66, 21.1.14

Next time you really have to try to make a bigger light. I hate those tiny ones like that.

Wonderful mod there, making it into a camping light. Really great idea.

Does the wife mind having to haul that light around with the rest of the equipment?

That is a good point. I didn't realize it until now, but a tiny little light like this one will probably fall through the tiniest hole in one's pocket. Definitely needs to be larger. :P

Does my wife mind hauling the lights and equipment around?
Have you seen the size of her? She could carry a feral mob of lunatics with flashlights around on her shoulders and still do the ironing.

I’m a fool. There was a picture I kept looking at and could not remember what it was amongst the diffuser shots. Its the oldsymers playing up again. I deleted all the pictures on the memory card and went to work. Bugger l said to myself as the dim light bulb went fizzle in my head. It was the shot of the light on with no diffuser. I’ve recovered the picture and posted it as the second (edit, third) picture in the 66th post. It really gives you an idea how good this plastic cup works as a diffuser. Sorry all.

Would it help if I told you it was mid winter here too and today was a miserable, sunny with the hint of a light breeze at 22°C.

Winters here are spectacular. Unless you like the cold, snow and rain, if thats the case its awful here. You should keep that in mind next winter, it will keep you warm.

11 and rainy all day down the other end.

Yeah, but flake, good pizza and souvlaki. I cant get souvlaki or proper flake (gummy shark) and pizza is sub par at best. Heaps of Hake about, Mako and various other shark that the call flake, but its not. :_(

I wasn't complaining. I love weather. We do have the same beer.

Heres something I found interesting, NSW in the State of Origin League games, sponsored by VB.

Wow that thing turns night into day, great machining and handywork.