I wonder If there might be a real interest in a new 2x,3x26650 Convoy L6 improved xhp70II and bigger head maybe for more throw
Maybe Simon could call it a L7?
The 2 x 26650 size is ok for me, i do not need a bigger light, unless it has to be used like most people with maglites do, which is the only allowed device (in Europe at least) for self defence.
An upgrade with a lighted side switch, Biscotti or Bistro or Narsil and a somewhat harder driven XHP70.2 for a good price would be nice though.
An upgrade would be the extension tube with my 30mm 8A buck driver
Wouldn’t bad idea an extension tube for the 3x26650 . I am talking to many friends for a nice xhp70II for a profesional use (car flashlight lots of lumens and good authonomy) but i wonder how much interest in such a body would have of course,BLF engineered 50-80$ good quality one
The extension tube is available and the driver as well
Wondering why 3 cells? Would make it quite long and difficult to deal with, especially in a car scenario. No need for 3 cells for a 6V set-up and 3 cells won’t quite do it for a 12V set-up, so it seems odd to me why you’d ask for that particular arrangement.
Yes, easy enough to add a single extension tube to the 2-cell original tube, or use a single tube like on the L2 and add 2 more cells. Lot of ways to go about it, just not sure why.
And L7 Scott? Really? Wouldn’t it be an L6+ or something since it’s still the L6 head just a longer running configuration (assuming a buck driver)
OP stated 2 or 3 26650’s and a bigger head too…
new edition type L6
I wonder If there might be a real interest in a new 2x,3×26650 Convoy L6 improved xhp70II and bigger head maybe for more throw
I would be interested in a L7… not a L6+
- bigger head
- harder driven (high bin) XHP70.2
- NO tail switch
- only a lighted side switch with Narsil
- (2) 26650’s
I’d buy one for sure
OR…. maybe a triple XHP70.2 with (3) 26650’s?
So a mega long Haikelite MT09GT?
Would be reallllllyyyy fun.
Texas Ace is offering 70.2 upgrades for the L6. 8500 Lumens after he does his vodoo with it.
Ah, but, before y’all go and get all excited about your dreamed up visions becoming reality please remember that Convoy is a small company with limited resources for developing driver technology. What may seem simple to us, with DEL and MEM and TK on our side, is simply not feasible to Simon. We can dream up all kinds of possibilities, that doesn’t mean he’ll be able to implement any of them. Convoy makes great lights, Simon is a perfectionist and a flashlight enthusiast himself, if he can he will, but don’t expect him to be able to work miracles as he simply doesn’t have the manpower to pull off what some of the large companies have been doing lately.
I’m sure he’s already working on what he can do, there’s a new C8+ just announced for example.
It’s so easy for someone to announce “new edition type L6” but it has no merit.
Sounds like we need a BLF L7…
Talk to jdub, he’s the ear here for Convoy…
Yes, a Lexel edition Convoy L6 with NarsilM would be a perfect light for a lot of us.
A ramping dual switch light would be excellent.
Also, Simon has already done a lot for the flashlight community. Perhaps we should help him again, like with the Biscotti C8.
I’m just spit-balling… I don’t expect Simon to immediately start working on every hair brained idea we think up. Just saying what I’d love to see.
Hm weird i dont get it, if there is help in getting good drivers in a flashlight from experts in here why not use it? i understand u cant compared them to the larger companies but i dont think anyone in here does that. I agree that i would be interesting to know if something brighter then l6 will see the day of light someday? i dont know how much work had to be done to start the development of the l6 for example before it was posted here?
I would be interested in a maglite sized light (2 or 3 x 26650) with a ramping UI.I’m not too concerned with it being super bright but a long runtime would be good.
I want in. Missed out on L6 Convoy Clear. Any type of update will be greatly appreciated. Order/Group buy link?