Thought it would be great if we could start up a discord for flashlights so we can have some live chat discussion. Broken channels into LED, HID, lasers and more. Should be fun. Please feel free to join here:
I don’t know about luminous flux being a hot topic butt my mom still has this dis cord that’s desiccated, shriveled, and basically severely petrified. I don’t know why she has kept it all these years in her momento box of my birth either.
My sisters dis cords weren’t kept though. I guess their belly buttons didn’t make the cutt.
I’m just dam glad she didn’t keep my fore skin. Maybe the momento box wasn’t bigg enough.
PS. Moms keep some weird sh*t.
PSS. She’s turning 101 in November and looks and moves like she’s 80. Never had major surgery like a hip/knee replacement. For that matter any surgery. Still sews, cooks, etc. And she’ll talk your ear off with rapid conversation. Recollects fine details 98 years ago. Amazing.
PSSS. Her oldest brother finally kicked the sauce pan at 102. Up until then, had a FULL hardly gray head of hair. And he looked and moved like he was in his 80’s too.
PSSSS. There’s NO WAY I’m gonna follow her footsteps. There are just too many days where it seems I can barely go wee-wee without a crutch.
PSSSSS. The dis cord has this cottony fluffy string tied on the end. Kinda like a rabbit’s foot. WTF.
PSSSSSS. The only thing I can figure is that she thinks it’s gonna become a relic. She always wanted me to be a priest. Anyone that knows me would give that notion about 5 billion to one odds.
If you think that you’re crazy. Hey remember that thread where I was encouraging folks to vote you in as some sort of flashlight czar/ambassador/Dalai Lamaesque guru?. Man that was one of my whackier ones. :laughing:
PS. I think ya got mad at me cuz peeps were posting sh*t like, “He*l yes, Lightbringer.Yeah!!!”. After that close call ya started avoiding me like the plague. :laughing:
Lemme guess ya think it’s too much of a knotty subject for BLF.
PS. Watt the flucks I’m digressing from the OP’s important subject matter.
PSS. Ok, no response. Watt about dis thread in general then? See I told ya he’s mad about me. (Hey not that way ya perverts.)
Man I have a similar story about a knife. It was actually a CRKT Ripple, also a Ken Onion design.
I like to clip knives in my back right pocket. That ripple has the ball bearing bushings, and it opened really easily. That thing opened just enough as I put in in my pocket that it sliced my pants, and underwear, but somehow didn’t cut my ass.
I was pretty lucky I guess. I actually returned that knife soon after and bought a Kershaw Cryo since it was the new hotness at the time.
I recently started modding this discord and we are interested in getting more people who are excited about flashlights. We are very open to building the chat community for flashlights so if there is any desire for any specialized channels to discuss new builds or buys, we can hook it up. Come join us!