What wallet? Lost that, on my first two obsessions. Now I need to sell that stuff, to buy this stuff.
A couple of years ago, I bought a Fenix RC40 brand new. Thought I would never need another flashlight. Now, not only do I have about 20+ more of various sizes using battery types I never heard of two years ago, I am now concerned about lumes, lux, candela, beam throw, heat dissipation, step down times, artifacts, is it more of a flooder or a thrower, what color is the tint, what transmitters does it use, pwm (who thinks of this stuff), etc.
It is all really quite maddening and complex when all I wanted to do was learn a "little" more about flashlights. I probably should have just stuck to Amazon and let it go at that.
Welcome TShoot! I’m still new here myself but welcome brother!
It’s funny, I tried to explain a little of why I’m on this forum all the time to my wife the other day (And also why our checking account is suffering). All of those things you mentioned came up one way or another and she thought I had lost it. Up to that point I hadn’t really thought of everything it takes to make the perfect flashlight but I realized in that moment that it’s complicated as hell! And that’s one of the many reasons I love it.
I told my wife tonight that one of the reasons you want a flashlight that can do a "tail stand" is that you can put it on a table, set it to one of the lower settings, bounce it off of the ceiling and use it during an emergency to light the entire room. And, one of the great things is that is can last about 20 hours or more (plus we have a LOT of spare batteries). This all came with a demonstration after killing all of the lights in the entire house. This, in all fairness, did not make her super happy.
I was so proud to inform her of this obscure use ( that at least 3/4 of the world doesn't think about) and she just looked at me with a blank stare like, "Really, are you seriously taking time out of me watching TV to show me this?". How can she not understand how important this pearl of wisdom could be?
Now.... I REALLY, REALLY like knives but I think I use my keychain flashlight (and other flashlights) even more than my knives. Who would have thought? I am officially addicted.