New Ganzo G717, G704 in tan or green G10

New Ganzo G717, axis lock Sebenza-shape with stone wash blade, left/right hand pocket clip (tip up carry) and sculpted G10 scales in tan or black (now in stock!):

Just for those who didn’t get the email from Exduct, this popular knife is now available with tan or green G10 scales (G704Y):

That would make a good match for my Enlan EL-01KH

I’ve got an Enlan EL-01GY on order as well. :slight_smile:

About 6 more for the set.

Looks like a good candidate for a Wave mod .

I got the email and now I'm have to think about it: Do I want it or need it? No other shop has it at the moment.

The Enlan EL01 is also a great choice if you want a nice knife - I have the Enlan EL-01KH. EL01A, EL01AB (half serrated) and the Bee EL01GY. Only the wood handled version is missing, but wood isn't my material.

The G704 is now available with green scales as well - from Exduct. I might have to get the set sometime.

Buwuve, the EL-01D with rosewood scales is a great addition if you like the EL-01 range, it feels a bit thicker in the hand and the edges of the scales are nicely rounded, due to a stuttering finger I now own two instead of the one that I thought that I’d bought.
I’ve kept one as it came and the other I’ve given the scales a coat or three of Renaissance Wax.

You might want to try the Boker Magnum A-Stan.

What a delightful shade of green! :Sp

Week old mushy pea coloured. :bigsmile:

Will a full set give you some extra power too? :wink:

Just a collector thing I suppose, I’ve got a few Enlan EL-01 variants so I’ll probably end up with the full set, I like Ganzo’s but there’s the G711 that I want first.
More power with the full set, no just more cutting power I suppose. :bigsmile:

I think I’ll end up ordering the G704G too. :slight_smile:

The G711 is a really cool folder but I have no idea why they don’t make it with a wider cut-out in the handle (BM doesn’t do that either). So I had to mod mine:

@8steve88: I don't like coated blades - in this case it is good because I save some money :)

The coating can get some marks (and you notice the steel behind it) if you use it harder. I prefer blades, where you can't notice any mark and I love the stonewashed finish of the Enlan EL02B (this is a great knife and I bought it two times). The Navy K507 has also a stonewashed finish, but the quality is assorted.

That’s a nice mod, I’ve got a feeling that when I get one I’ll be doing something similar.
I have the G712, that has two cut outs and is comfortable, I might have to do a bit of blade swapping. It should be easier with an Axis lock, maybe, possibly.

I agree completely, out of sixty plus Chinese folders I can only think of one with a coated blade,

I’ve taken the thumb-studs off as it flips really well and given it a good going over with 1000 wet/dry to give it that “kicked about then found again” look. I don’t know why, maybe it’s because the finish is going to get hammered anyway. I might try un-coating it at some stage, it’s a nice little flipper. I found that a lanyard is pretty much essential to give enough hand-grip when opening.

stone washed finish is that bead blasting to get a matte finish or is it something different?

Bead blasted (G704 top), satin (G710 bottom):

Stone washed (EL06):

New Ganzo G717 now in stock at Exduct! :smiley:

G717 also found here with faster shipping:

Ganzo G717 Ali Express Hello Gifts Shop

Or here if you prefer ebay/paypal:

Ganzo G717 ebay Hello Gifts Shop

.50 cents more but much faster shipping: ($1.02 more at their ebay store)
(e-packet) 10 to 15 days (ships out within 3 days)

Opposed to Exduct:
(China Post) 15 to 26 days (ships out within 7 days)

They also have the tan version.

I Bought several SANRENMU GB 763 from their ebay store several years ago. I’m planning on getting the G717 and a G710 from them, probably from their Ali Express store.

And today at Fasttech - two versions, G717-B and G717-Y. A few Enlan Bee knives too.

FastTech’s photos are clearer. The Ganzo looks inelegant somehow, but those who like thick handles may enjoy this knife. Sanrenmu 710 with similarly sculped custom G10 scales looked better.

G717 looks like thumb studs could be difficult to access.
Also, only one screw in clip.
I’ll pass.