I’ve benefited greatly from all of the wonderful posts here, so I figured I’d create an account and share my silly opinions with everyone.
I mostly like a small form factor, but am overdue for a soda can. Here is a shot I took a couple weeks ago that I think includes most of the important ones I already have, except for the Astrolux S1 and S41 I just picked up. I EDC the Jetbeam Mini-1, and the SC600w III was my go to until the tint started bothering me. Now I reach for the S41 the most. The LC90 has been a great light for the truck and an incredible value IMO. The step down to medium on the S1R really ruins it for me, and the UI on the NS17 always lands me in strobe. Really digging the E11, but wish it was a little smaller.
EC21 and a DQG Tiny are in the mail… I guess I’m still looking for the “right” 18650 light for me. Any ideas on what I’m missing out on? My budget has been under $100 and I’d like to keep it there for the time being. I’m tempted by the Klarus G20 and the Imalent DN70, but haven’t pulled the trigger on either. Cheers!
Under $100? EACH? Well, there’s plenty of territory left for you to cover with a budget like that. If you’re looking to try a soda can light, the BLF Q8 is going to be the best in class when it becomes available.
As for finding the “right” 18650 light, the best place to start is what you already know. So, think about the things you like and the things you don’t like about the lights you have now. Try to be as specific as possible. If there are other attributes you can think of to add to a ‘wish list’ then do that as well. When you get it all thought out, let us know and we can help you find the best light to meet your needs.
Welcome to BLF!
$100 a piece? Nah where is the fun, try $25 or $50 because there is so much cool good stuff to get in those price ranges and you can buy two to four times as much
Yes! This is what I am thinking as well. I posted a similar intro on “another” forum and they immediately threw HDS out there so I thought I’d be clear that I’m a budget light guy
Hello and Welcome! If your issues with finding the perfect light comes down to tint, UI and stepdowns, I think it’s time to build your own light, where everything is up to you.