Dunno if someone already posted something on this.
Very nice.
Looks like it’s an updated version of the old Emisar D1. People have been asking for that for awhile.
Looks nice. The bare bones price isn’t bad either. The trouble with Emisar for me is resisting all the bling. It’s like buying an ice cream cone…do I want sprinkles, chocolate dipped waffle cone, nuts, dip, cherries……???
It’s likely why I don’t already own one. The decision making is too stressful (LOL).
SS bezel appears to be standard. Thats pretty nice.
It’s available with a bunch of FC-40 tints too! Probably a nice boost driver in there as well.
Any recommendations on led? I’m not familiar with bam or fc-40. Tempted by 519 dedome but might not be most useful beam.
The FC40 is 12 volts and has a boost driver. It will have fully regulated output whereas the 3v leds will not somw they’re probably FET or FET+1. Combined the FC-40 with a high capacity 10A 18650 and you will have an excellent light. High cri and high output with a nicely thrown beam
I recently ordered my first Hank light, a D4V2 mule with dedomed 5700K 519a. I made a mistake and didn’t check off to have a magnet in the tail and it would have been 7 for a cap plus 8 bucks shipping. No thanks.
So I did the logical thing and ordered a D1 for it’s magnetic tailcap.
Hank was so kind as to help me decide between the 519a, B35 and FC40 with a beamshot, but I have no idea how to post it here.
He also told me the B35 driver is more efficient than the FC40.
B35 driver has only boost to 6V and has lower amperage output. Those are main reasons it’s more efficient.
B35AM is a 6v led. FC-40 is 12v. The 6v driver is going to be more efficient than the 12v driver, but it’s not a huge difference and is only really evident under high amp loads when the battery is close to the deregulation threshold (when the input voltage is getting too low to power the boost controller). Besides, you’ll get higher output and more throw out of the FC-40 with not much deficit in cri or beam quality.
Hope I did that right.
Looks go9d
Cool. Trying to decide between fc40 around 3000-3200K, 519 4500 dedome, and Bam35 3000 or 3500K
That’s what I was deciding on too. I decided on the 519a 4500k dedomed, it’s looks to be pretty well tossed,could be wrong though
Tossed? I just wonder what is a more useful beam. Perhaps fc-40? The nice thing about 519 is easy swaps to other 3v LED if needed.
Hey Gunga.
I have KR1 with 519 DD and KR1 with FC40 and i gotta tell you for close to mid range 519 has not much purpose where FC40 is a golden middle range between fat triple/quad hotspot and narrow 519.
Atm FC40 replaced all of my torches i have been usually using, just awesome.
Thanks for the info!
I’m surprised the 519A dedomed candela is that poor. I had heard it was closer to SST-20 4000k, at around 35-39kcd. I suppose the 5700k dedomed is better, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t be more than maybe only 23kcd given the output difference from cooler tint alone wouldn’t be that big.
Still amazing tint, high CRI, and decent throw for what it is, but I might go FC-40 instead for the better regulation and bigger, brighter beam even though it’s not as throwy. I imagine it will throw more on a low battery since the CC driver on the 519A falls out of regulation much sooner.
I REALLY wish Hank would offer more 6v and 12v LED options for the D1/KR1 such as XHP50.3 HI, XHP70.3 HI, SST-70 and SFT-70. You’d get a lot more throw and output (though I’m not certain about how well 70.3 throws), and 50.3/70.3 HI come in high CRI and warmer tint options.
For the CC driver side, I’d love to see an SFN55.2/SFN55.3/SFP55 (whatever the most recent version is), or SFH55 (if it fits, which it probably doesn’t) in there for maximum lol factor.
Yep, it doesn’t really throw, it just tosses.
Ha,no, just a goof up. That’s why I rarely post on forums from my phone, I always make and miss mistakes like that. I don’t even remember what I intended to say haha.
I guess it depends on what you consider more useful. While I do appreciate Hank’s beamshot, I do wish they were done individually so we could get a better feel for the beam shapes.
Cool little light. Love all emitter choices. Thinking of either the sbt90 or the sft 40. Maybe I’ll wait for some reviews or some beam shots.