Nice upgrades to a cool light. Looks like they seen my Steampipe Light with the side flood light & built a more complex bigger digital version. :party:
it would have been better f they had placed the two side flood lanterns on quarter sides, not opposite. (as in facing 45 degrees apart on a side #1 and #2) I have a small lantern flashlight that has flood lanterns on opposite sides in a similar fashion, and its kind of weird with the dead light spot half way on each side.
I can’t believe that Imalent is following the ansi standard now…quite shocking. The blue is a nice touch over the red indicators from the other version.
Even after looking at the beamshots, it still seems like the side floods are such an inelegant solution. A simple diffuser over the top would do a much better job of lighting up a larger area.
Perhaps, “gimmicky” would be a better word to use, instead of “quirky”.