New LEDs to make light like sun

A team of German scientists has come up with a new luminescent material for LED bulbs.
The phosphor improves energy efficiency and makes this artificial light almost as natural as the sun.

Sweet! They are building broad spectrum single LED’s….most excellent!


Kinda like tint mixing but with better CRI! :love:

Ohhh.. Have you guys and gals seen my latest project build that involves tint mixed light + beam mixing. ^^ Or whatever you like to call it..

I thought they already had 90cri leds.

90CRI around 3000K is not comparable with 90CRI around 5000K.

80+ CRI, 90+ CRI and such does not guarantee that you will get nice white quality light. You can have very good CRI value and still have colored light that will not look fantastic due to being too far away from BBL.

Im not sure what they have come up with. But if it can give me better quality light and still maintain good efficiency. Then bring it on!

The articles makes a mess of the facts. It tells that current leds contain too much red, but that is hardly the case. I hope that it means that they developed some better phosfor improving the efficiency of high CRI leds, but what is really happening this article does not tell.

Too little red rather…