New light: Manker U22 III PM1 with TIR. Anything info or review?

I searched on the forum and did not see anything about this light. Could not find reliable reviews on it either.
Anyone by chance have any info or experience on this light?
Very interested.


Look there:

Thank you sandro! Very nice review. It did answer most of my questions.

Unfortunate to see that Turbo is dependant on battery voltage.

Looks like the MK37 is the better option between the two.

Still waiting for review on the SBT90.2 version…hope the thermal performance is similar to MK37.

It seems like there is an sft40 version as well! Very interested in some beam comparisons of that and the Osram!

The Acebeam L18 uses an identical optic and LED as the PM1 U22 III. Their beam is identical, and overall performance will also be nearly identical. At least for beamshots you could look at the L18 to get an idea of what the U22 III PM1 beam looks like.

But the U22 offers SFT40 and SBT90.2 versions that acebeam does not.

Yes, it’s just those emmitters I want to see compared. :slight_smile: