New lights from Smallsun T08 with side click

e-switch only. The tailcap assembly has one long spring per cell (2), and one steel spring, like a P60 spring, that makes the electrical contact between the 2 cell springs and the endcap.

Thanks. I’m considering which is the easiest mod… putting an E-switch on the old one, or a mechanical switch in this new one. I’m guessing it’s the first option.

Could be... Not sure why I bought this light now. Forgot bout all the pitfalls with the T08, and the T43 has all them, plus some new ones. The bezel is a total PIA - doesn't tighten up well - always was the case. PIA gasket that fits around the super thick glass lens. The T43 has a screw in plate for mounting the MCPCB on, just like a COURUI, but of course smaller. It has to be in a loose position in order to be close enough for the reflector. Think best option is flip it over, like the COURUI, and this will save maybe 2 mm, then I think you could tighten down the plate snug to the reflector with a good DTP MCPCB.

Though I can get to the LED from the top, can't get to the driver from underneath yet. Was able to loosen the connection just below the driver, but something is hitting - think it's the plastic see-thru piece for the light hole -- it moves when twisting the body, like it's in the way. Think I broke loose the threaded body connection, maybe from glue. So now, I got a loose body/tube connection without being able to unscrew it or tighten it back up Frown.

I measured ~3.1A at the tail, but when assembled, it does only bout 500 lumens. There's big loss's in that crappy tail for one thing, but also the light output drops fast - soemthing else goin on - could be the crappy MCPCB shelf.

the t43 sounds like a miss then with all these flaws! at only 500 lumens!? thats very dissapointing.
i read that you ordered the t43 for the e switch, the small sun t23 looks to have an e switch?
anybody have one of these lights?

Overall, now that I think bout it and all the Small Suns I've worked on on the past 3 years or so, I'd have to say their quality of manufacture even in the budget world is sub par (exception being the 45mm aspheric thrower - forgot model #). From the T13's to the ZY-T11/ZY-T29, prolific problems with plastic reflectors, poor threading, poor quality in finish, you name it. I really like the ZY-T11's as a mod host, but the UltraFire clones are superior to the branded Small Sun's.

I was able to get the T43 fully apart, but appears the threaded connection between the head and battery tube is now stripped - badly. I poked the c-thru plastic piece into the body, then could loosen the threaded connection but it was a fight/struggle, and resulted in stripping the threads down badly. Who knows, but, if all pieces are like this, avoid this light like the plague for modding, even for stock.

I was able to mod the tailcap to bypass the springs, but got no further. Think'n I could salvage a mod by permanently sealing up the bad threaded connection, so not easily moddable there-after... Haven't had time to re-visit it.

I should have known better Frown.

That T23 -- dunno, I'd stay away. That side switch could be a cheap side mounted power switch you find in under $10 lights, or could be a true e-switch. The shiny finish is suspect to me. The style -- I modded a SS light in this same exact style a while back and it got super hot - thin walls and SS is not good thermally, but this light looks like thin alum, not SS. $30 is relatively a lot to spend for quality that might be on par for $8 - $12 lights, though if the head is a true 60mm, it may make a light (in weight) thrower.

I mounted a xhp 50 in mine with the batteries now running in series instead parellel ad I throws a walk easily over 300 meters I have a couple of beamshots and it got hot fast but a great budget build it was my big thrower untill ember Vnre sent a terminator T70 a k40m and x60 xhp70 but l really like the small sun Tyo8 I just wish they’d upgrade the emitter!

This is about a T43, not T08 - T08's were much easier to mod. Are you talking about a T08?

sorry I didn’t mean to derail the thread