New lumens and wattage records for XM-L

4300 lumens: TOTO88 | Bocoran Slot Gacor Hari Ini
4300 lumens AND 1500W:
16000 lumens @ 6000W:\_JM


(where’s that picture of a billion lumens?…)

hahahaha 6000Watt, where will it end? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what the third link means, but the first two are DEFINITELY not 4300 lumens or 1500W. It looks like Portuguese lumens are much worse than Chinese lumens…

And I thought the Chinese held the record for overexageration. LOL!!!

Love the beamshot of the 16,000 lumen torch!

so bright my computer screen died

Looks like it chinadied, judging by the fact you still posted this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its 16 million Jiggawatts…

6kW using "4200mAh" Ultrafire battery...


Haha! I used a spare monitor!!

….you caught me!

You mean this?

trololololo :stuck_out_tongue: look at those testimonials! awesome :stuck_out_tongue: