New member from the PNW - USA

Hello everyone,

I’ve been lurking through the forum for a few months. A friend of mine is into flashlights and since fall is coming my interest have peaked further. I figured it’s about time to tap into the wealth of information that is stored here. Thought I’d drop a line and say hello!

Welcome, Mr_Dirt! You’ll love it here!

BTW, I transplanted here to PNW from the Midwest and was told that we properly call it “THE GREAT Pacific Northwest.” LOL, huh?

Hey how are you doing man? Welcome to BLF! :partying_face:

Thank-you! Come to think of it I think several people have the TGPNW stickers on their car windows.

I’m great, thanks for asking! Things are looking much brighter these days.

:sunglasses: :+1:

I hope you enjoy your stay, Mr_Dirt!

Welcome to BLF Mr. Dirt! BTW, your first name isn't Joe is it?

Nope, I know a Joe who is into lumens.

Where do I order this one?

Welcome to BLF! Great community!

Welcome, Hope this place makes your life brighter.