New Member here…QUESTION HOW DO I PERFORM A SEARCH ? I see search in the upper left hand corner of site but it is a google search. I just want to do a search on a flashlight in /on BUDGETLIGHTFORM ONLY. Thanks. Marty
Type in a light, It will work for that. I have done it many times.It will work for a specific thread on here also.
will I want to just do a search in BudgetLight Forum only… I don’t want all the other stuff like eBay etc. Maybe that is the only spot I can perform a search of a light ? Marty
That search in the top left is customized to only show results from BLF. It works well!
I see…… I did not scroll down far enough . break in page , My fault thanks. Man this is a great forum. Question…. ANOTHER QUESTION… WERE IS THE FlashLIGHT Convention held in the USA if there is such a thing ? I might want to attended it . thanks. MD
The search function works good but you need to ignore the first 4 hits it gives you. Just scroll down past the first few and its all BLF from there on out.
I was too slow on the trigger, I see you found it.
Another way to search BLF is to do a Google search for: [search terms]
You should get different results than using the built in BLF search bar.
(You don't need brackets around your search terms.)
Shot Show held in Los Vegas. It’s mostly firearms but they do have flashlight venues.
The most annoying thing about the inbuilt search is that if you go ‘back’ in your browser, it starts from page 1 again and you forgot where you were…… also recently they are all greyed out (but work)….12345 etc
To avoid this i just open it in another tab, but I still forget sometimes.
If you have more than one search term, or are searching for a quoted string like “how to search” then, on the page of results, click “Tools” at upper right, then change it to “Verbatim” (and note you can also limit the time range searched).