New Mini AAA XP-G2 R5 CW/NW SS EDC Clicky – 140 Lumens

Hmmm….you guys should do a BLF special group buy for $12-$15 ($18 at cnqualitygoods)

Does this come in black chrome?

very very nice little pocket light

Group buys for new cnqualitygoods flashlights have proven to be somewhat tricky, there are always some design flaws. Best is to have one tested by a BLF-member and do a group buy afterwards. (I'm in already :-) )

No black chrome version or clip as far as I know.

cnqualitygoods gets ~$4 shipping while BTU via Ali Express ships for free, but AE doesn’t say if their version is CW or NW. I’ve emailed BTU/AE to find out, and will post their reply.

Anyone know if it takes a LiON?

I wanna know that too, 10440 would be nice, but if it doesn’t, simply swap the driver :wink:

looks like the BLF Tiny10 w/ 2x stacked 7135 to the rescue :wink:

...if the light's internals are not press-fit/glued everywhere, like the CQG lights.

(the cnqg-site is very clear on this flashlight: no li-ions)

If I could figure out if you can attach a clip to use it as a keychain light, I would like to have one. Without the option for a clip/lanyard it’s useless for me.

Ric replies that the version being sold through Ali Express is Cool White.

Also, the price on cnqualitygoods just went up from $18 to $20.

Price is now $20 on both Ali Express & cnqualitygoods.

Neutral White is still available @ cnqualitygoods for +$1.

3rd last picture shows two slots. Id assume they are for a ring.

I ordered one of these in neutral white from CnQualityGoods along with a CQG Bullet Shell (also in neutral white).

Will post more about it after it arrives :wink:

I saw that one and was very close to buying…but no reviews out yet. Too bad the cnq s3 didn’t really have great reviews…like the size.

Got my nlight b3 though, and I love it so far…and now I’m anxious whenever a nice ss light goes on sale since they become unavailable almost indefinitely…. :frowning:

Very very nice!
Maybe finally the AAA I’m looking for…



Little review in spanish about this:

Nice pic Trevi_lux.

Funny about how you got High-medium-low and someone else got the opposite. Personally I hope they release both versions. I know some who would prefer high first and some low first. I prefer low but like to gift one to someone who will only use high.

Yeah, great pictures and nice review Trevi_lux. I love clickies and they are hard to find in single AAA lights. I couldn’t help myself and ordered one from Wallbuys. Now the wait begins!

Oh, it’s nice! :slight_smile:


I like it!