“” American’s Are Buying This Tactical Flashlight To Feel “Safer In Their Own Homes” “”
Sweet, now we can buy this light with “the incredible LED technology that is used by the U.S. Navy Seals, the Coast Guard, Firemen, Policemen, U.S. Search and Rescue” and feel safer in our own homes!! :person_facepalming: :disappointed: :person_facepalming:
Heck, I feel safer just reading about it…. don’t you?
I just wonder how many “unknowing” people fall for this crap? I bet the number would be astounding.
I have even had a couple of friends, that previously I thought had reasonably functioning brains; ask/tell me about some of this stuff. (thankfully for them before they paid out money) Once I show them how much they can actually be purchased for and explain, in no uncertain terms; they are total crap. They seem amazed at what they almost purchased.
I bet these scam artists are making a mint…………… :person_facepalming:
Why else would they now have “lanterns & headlamps” on the docket? :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:
Watched the commercial. Amusing if you pay close attention. Did not read the infoco article yet. My take…
“Features Tactical Technology used by US Special Forces”
Does not say the light is or was used by any Military.
“Submerged in boiling Hot Oil”
The oil is not at all boiling. It is the moisture escaping from it as the water “boils” at a much lower temperature and turns to steam. Oil and water don’t mix…
Even at 400*F Silicone is amazing. Silicone Bakeware, pots and pans are the new rage. No black baked on residue for Fed inspectors to harp on in manufacturing plants.
“Dropped from hundreds of feet”
That drop was 2 seconds at most. Newtons Law tells me that was no where near 100ft, let alone 200 or more.
“Smash it with all my Strength”
He applied no downward force with that swing. If you see his reaction as it actually hit the light as the block crumbled, he moved to it as if it was not the first take and the light failed previously.
Again pay attention… You do not get 2 Atomic Beam lights for $19.99.
“You can double it, just pay a separate FEE, Shiping is Free”
Of Course the FEE is not disclosed and at the same time a FREE Shipping is plotted on screen.
Again, at the end of vid, the Large $19.99 logo with Blurry Fine print under it… “plus separate fee”
“Critical components inside, are made in USA”
At this time there is a Logo with Made in USA. At the top of the logo is “LED COMPONENTS” which at a glance is to look like the Hash marks under the USA.
Yes Cree emitters are made in USA, assuming it is using a Cree, and that would cover the “LED Components made in USA” claim. Not any other part.
I cancelled my cable TV over 10 years ago so I did not have to PAY to watch that nonsense. Advertising is a brutal world. I work for a Newspaper for the past 30 years. I no longer call it a News Paper. It is an advertising media. There is no more News and news is in no way a priority. If they are not paid in some way to print, it does not go in the paper. Yes the front page sells a paper, breaking news on it is the Sell.
:+1: Yep………
I found it on their web site though. The “separate fee” is $9.99……… :person_facepalming:
Which in itself is probably more than double what they paid for the light.
Check it out HERE .
It is in very small print under…. BUY ONE*GET ONE
Exactly………. :+1: And that is what we can buy them for one at a time. :person_facepalming:
These scoundrels are probably buying them by the “boat load” and paying much, much, much less than that. :person_facepalming:
This scam is one for the record book as far as I am concerned…………. … :person_facepalming: …
Not a G700, but I just saw this one in an ad the other day.
Apparently the “Blazeray” but the font made me think BLA ZERRY.
Woe be to he who pulls a SK-68 out on an attacking bear. Gimme a LB knock-off XP-E driven at about 200mA with a next-mode-memory driver that alternates between starting on low, slightly less than low, or a low-strobe-that-blinks-at-a-weird-cycle-rate-making-it-look-like-it-isn’t-really-blinking mode.
Maybe we it would have the morse mode that keeps blinking “S-O S-O S-O” constantly… As in “So? Whatchu gone do bear? Bring it on and I shine my light achoo!”