I place an order the other day with Banggood and actually included one of THESE in it to actually see one up close and personal. I paid $6.88 for it. I know I could have found it a bit cheaper but did not want to go to the trouble & have to order from somewhere else to save a buck or two…
I was actually somewhat surprised at what I received.
Mine has the ‘MECO’ name on it.
The tint was good, nothing extreme in either direction.
Fairly decent fit & finish, nothing bad jumps out at me.
Zoom is smooth both in & out.
Works off 3 AAA’s or 1 x 18650.
Of course I am sure it is a fake XM-L2 and it is nowhere even in the ballpark of 2000 lumen
But, IF someone is just looking for something to put out some light; it is not bad at all… at the price I paid that is..
What is sad to me is when the unsuspecting pay 3 or 4 times that price and think, because of all the extremely hyped up advertising; they have done good. :person_facepalming: … When in fact they have just been ripped a new one. :person_facepalming: … :cry: …. :person_facepalming:
That’s it. It’s not the light, which is fair value for $6 or so, and is likely to be an impressive flashlight for someone who’s always used lights with an incandescent bulb and two D cells, and doesn’t want to spend a lot. It’s the totally over the top and I’d say, misleading marketing campaign, to sell it for several times what it’s worth. e.g. the enormous discounts you can take advantage of if you are quick.
I’ve had lanterns and torches for years and ran them on rechargeable batteries. About three years back I bought an XML based zooming flashlight from Aldi for £25/$30. It runs on three C cells, I use NiMH. It’s supposed to produce 700 lumens, which is credible with three new alkaline cells and a following wind. It’s a bit bulky. A time back there was a similar thing on offer for £13/$16.
Had I been sensible, that would have been it, but for some reason I decided to get into these new-fangled Li-ion based flashlights. I bought a good charger, some good batteries and three of these zooming flashlights, a couple of generics and an Ultrafire W878.
They weren’t as good lights as the Aldi. Tail cap current is about 1 amp so no more than about 300?? lumens according to the data sheets. Horrible five mode drivers with next mode memory, which a couple of them forget pretty quickly, which is a blessing. Very blue LEDs and certainly not Cree XML as stated. I tried putting a Cree XML2 into one and it was an improvement, but since the star is only in contact with the hollow pill for a couple of mm all round, I couldn’t see it would make any sense to push them past about an amp because the heat sinking couldn’t take it and can’t be improved easily. Maybe some of them are better made with better thermal contact between the star and the pill.
I enjoyed playing about with them. A couple have got 18650s which came out of power tools, and one has AAAs. I grab one and use it if it’s within reach when I need it. Since then I’ve bought Convoy and Brinyte lights, which are not dear and are nicely made and perform better and are handier than the Aldi light.
Towards the end of last year I came across the Shadowhawk/G800/etc phenomenon and I just couldn’t believe the hype that was used to push what looked exactly like the little lights I’d bought, but for over $50 and with claims they could blind bears and stun burglars and all the rest of it.
It’s really amazing how he is pointing the light up but it is lighting the ground too.
That aspheric must put out light in nearly 360 degrees!
I wonder if the flashlight doubles as a crystal ball?
Surely that’s worth 20 dollars right? :laughing:
If I meet people buying this crap light with my Klarus XT12GTS with 1900 lumens or my modded 1500 Lumens Skilhunt H03R they will beg me to sell em to them
“With Over 20,000 Sold This Month, People Are Talking:”
Yeah, saying things like “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Actually that’s unfair. The advertising is misleading.
“This light’s incredible LED technology is used by the U.S. Navy Seals, the Coast Guard, Firemen, Policemen, U.S. Search and Rescue and now it’s been placed inside of an amazing Flashlight called the X800…”
My car’s got an incredible thermodynamic technology used by the U.S. Navy Seals, the Coast Guard, Firemen, Policemen, U.S. Search and Rescue - an engine. Even NASA use them.